FOAB Information

Friday 17 July 2009

Who Won?

With the 40th anniversary of the historic moon landings, there has been a considerable number of programmes concerning this and other achievements in space that us humans have performed.
Especially interesting is the notion of a 'space race' between the USA and the USSR.
Piecing together information from the many programmes the question begging to be asked is did America actually win the space race?
Sure they were the first country to put a man on the moon but prior to that magnificent achievement, it seems that it was the USSR that made the greatest strides.
First artificial satellite to orbit the Earth, first animal sent into orbit, first human in space, first woman in space, first spacewalk, first craft to reach the surface of the Moon, first to land a craft on Venus and Mars and the first space station.
If it was a race to the moon then obviously America takes the plaudits. If it was a race to push the boundaries of space exploration then the Soviets win hands down.
So, who really won the Space Race?


  1. It's a bit harder to convince people in a democracy to spend their hard-earned money so a few other people can fly around in space for nothing more than that national pride thing and velcro.

  2. Bit more expensive also effay. According to the bod on TV, the Soviets program achieved more and cost 50% less than NASA's program.

  3. Ya, that's the rallying call of the anti-NASA people. It goes something like: America spent 10 years and $100 million to develop a pen that could write in zero gravity; the Russians used a pencil.

  4. Although I think the pen thing is just a saying, and not really true.

  5. All i can do is repeat parrot like what the guys on the TV said.

  6. Lucy,

    Whatever. Where did the UK place in the race? Oh, sorry...


  7. No need to apologise Q, while you were landing on the moon we were
    bopping around to Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich apparently.

  8. I thought the Belgians made it to the moon first?...

    Seriously though, at the risk of sounding like a hippy, I have admiration and respect for all of mankind's pioneers of space travel - especially the ballsy ones who volunteered to be shot out of the earth's atmosphere - whatever nationality they are.

  9. I sound like a hippy all the time anyway but i agree, it does take some cajones.

  10. the space race is a colossal waste.

  11. We did get non stick pans from it anne.
