FOAB Information

Monday 21 December 2009

Christmas Number 1

Welcome back to Christmas Hits of the past.
This next piece comes in 6 movements, 5 verses and 2 choruses and a middle 8 and its fascinating to note how the composer, Mr Zack de la Rocha, blends the electronic bass with the lyrics as they begin, 'Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me'.

Once again we have seen the power of the internet to stick two fingers up to the establishment, in this case Simon Cowell and his annual hijacking of the Christmas number one.
Rage Against the Machine would not be my first choice of song to stiff Cowell with at Christmas, personally i would have chosen something that at least had a few jingle bells in it or one of the classic guitar anthems like Teenage Kicks or Holiday in Cambodia if that was the direction i had to go.
This also has the added bonus of stopping the instantly dislikeable Miley Cyrus, whose song it was originally, from any reflected glory. Double bubble as the young people say.
Rage Against the Machine have pledged to give all profits of the single to the homelessness charity Shelter, and will perform a free victory gig in the UK to thank those who bought their single.
The defeated Joe McElderry is taking some time off to ponder his next move which is widely expected to include a South Shields job Employment Office.
Well done Britain, and that's the second time in a week i've said that. Where's my medication?


  1. When I first heard about this campaign, I thought it was all a big fuss about nothing. Not to mention slightly self-defeating, as a concept...

    Hmmmm.... Striking a blow for individuality and non-conformity by... erm... organising us all to buy the same song?!

    My thinking was: I'm not giving any money to EITHER song this Christmas. I win.

    But then I read that the money RATM raised was going to go to Shelter (a fantastic cause), so I decided that it was all good after all. Well done Zach and the boys!

  2. Hey, Lucy, let me wish you and yours all the best for the Festive Season.

    Let me say I admire the way you try to make the world a better place in your own inimitable way. Changing attitudes is not easy and there are many Philistines out there!

    Take care and Merry Xmas!

  3. I have read that the next campaign is to get God Save The Queen by the sex pistols at number 1 for the Queens birthday.

    I hope you have great and safe Christmas David.
