FOAB Information

Wednesday 23 December 2009

So Here It Is, Merry Christmas

I have no problem wishing a Merry Christmas to anyone whether they are Christian, Atheist, Jehovah Witness or Muslim.

Never has anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas said to me that they were offended or explained that they won't actually be celebrating it. Every time they have replied back in kind or said something about enjoying the break from work.

Not that i am being deliberately belligerent, just handing them a kind, warm sentiment because i do hope that regardless of what you believe, or don't believe, i hope you have an enjoyable time over the Christmas period so Merry Christmas to everyone, i hope you all have a great time.

Except for the bankers. I hope they have a rotten Christmas.

Everyone else, have a good one and see you the other side of Boxing Day.


  1. Hope you have a good Christmas Lucy.

  2. Lucy,

    Have a grand December 25th. Oh, and great deals on Boxing Day...


  3. And a fabulous All Fool's Day to you as well!

  4. Cheezy, remember when you sad how you miss Mark and his pro-Israel bias when debating the whole Israeli-Palestinian issue?
    Meet my Nemesis. Just as barmy as Mark but without the humorous facial hair and not as good at knocking out a dovetail joint.
