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Saturday 26 June 2010

Brit running Australia

Unless we are bowling at them or touching down a rugby ball behind their posts, i don't tend to take much notice of Australia. It's all the way over there and i have never really forgiven them for Paul Hogan and those god awful Crocodile Dundee films. I did have a brief flirtation with Neighbours in the late 80's and Prisoner Cell Block H but otherwise i largely ignore the place.
By all accounts they feel equally neutral towards us which makes it even more sweeter that a Brit is now running their country. As Alf Stewart would say, you great flamin' galahs.
It's far too boring to read about but the jist is the Welsh woman knifed her Prime Minster boss in the back and took his job and now sits on a throne probably made of old Castlemaine XXXX tins ruling the roost over the Aussies.
Back in the day we had to fight wars to impose Brits as rulers on a nation, now it is much more civilised.
Her first act should be to bring Joe Mangle and Des Clark back into Neighbours and then probably do something about Australians chronic water shortages.
Seems that the Aussies won't be ditching the Queen anytime soon with a Brit running things and if she wants to come and pick up the Minogue sisters she is welcome. Leave Rolf Harris though, i like him.


  1. wow, i just read and reread this post and have no idea what you are talking about... kinda cool though to recognize just how clueless i am about the UK and australia...


  2. Q- A Welsh-born bird has just become the first female Prime Minister (which is a bit like a President, only they don't get elected personally, just as the leader of their party) of Australia. I haven't heard much about her, but the word is she'll be a better bet at election-time than the bloke she's replacing, Kevin Rudd, who was a bit flaky to say the least.

  3. Thats okay q because i have no idea what i'm writing until i have written it. If that makes sense.

    Cheezy explained it well although i don't really know the story behind it, just that he was growing more unpopular and she replaced him to try and save the upcoming election for her party. I was more impressed with a Brit running Australia now though.

  4. thanks cheese, i get the basics, however the following cites mean nothing to me and i fell i'm missing a lot of hidden meaning:
    - Neighbours in the late 80's
    - Prisoner Cell Block H
    - Alf Stewart
    - flamin' galahs
    - throne probably made of old Castlemaine XXXX tins
    - Joe Mangle and Des Clark
    - Australians chronic water shortages
    - the Minogue sisters
    - Rolf Harris

    see how much i'm not getting?


  5. I feel your pain... and do understand the difficulty. I'd probably feel the same way if I flew to Texas and turned on talk radio... Anyway...

    - Neighbours in the late 80's
    (Aussie soap opera - it's crap)
    - Prisoner Cell Block H
    (Aussie soap opera about a woman's prison - it was pretty good, in a campy culty way)
    - Alf Stewart
    (I've no idea who that is...Hanz?....)
    - flamin' galahs
    (Aussie insult for anyone who's a bit of an idiot... a galah is a bird... not sure why it's synonymous with idiocy, but there you go...)
    - throne probably made of old Castlemaine XXXX tins
    (it's a terrible Aussie beer)
    - Joe Mangle and Des Clark
    - Australians chronic water shortages
    (it's hot and dry there)
    - the Minogue sisters
    (pop singers: the songs aren't great, but you still would...)
    - Rolf Harris
    (inexplicable cult Aussie figure, mainly a competent painter, but has released some odd pop singles in the UK... He's 81 now!)

  6. Sorry q, i was trying to cram in as many Australian references as i could. All very 80s references which show my age but was when Castlemaine, neighbours, Paul Hogan, Prisoner & Joe Mangle were very popular. Obviously, they didn't reach your part of the states.

    Alf Stewart was a character from Home & Away who always called people flamin galah's.

    Isn't a post very overdue on your blog q and are you going to start up your blog again cheezy?

  7. hanz, i like your posts including this one with all the aussie cites. you know a lot more about them than me!

    in re my blog. ok, i'll do something but at 55 i have actually lost a lot of my desire to share.


  8. There's no prospect of me blogging again, Hanz... That Aussie bloke David or Daniel (or whatever he's called) said that mine was a crap blog anyway, so now I just don't see the point in going on...

    (No, not really... I just needed to 'unclutter' my life a bit - and probably still do, in truth - so I won't be reviving it... You should keep it up though! I'm liking your work. We may not agree on everything but it's always a good read, just as Lucy's was).

  9. That's a shame Cheezy, i would imagine you would have a lot of interesting things to say.

    Lucy takes the credit, she is the one suggesting the majority of the post subjects. I just write them up.
