FOAB Information

Friday 25 June 2010

More Ponce's needed

The chances of England winning the World Cup have dropped like Ronaldo in the penalty area after we finished second in the group and find ourselves on the tough side of the draw.
Now we find ourselves facing what the British press are contractually obliged to call the Hun or Fritz and to mention the second World War whenever possible.
The group stages of the competition are always tactical and slow but now we are in the knockout stage, things will get interesting.
I have been impressed with Chile's ability to kick seven bells out of the opposition and one of the worst offenders is called Ponce who Wigan are looking at signing apparently which means the fans will have to find a new nickname for Charles N'Zogbia to avoid any confusion.
One feature of this World Cup has been the downfall of the European teams and the rise of the South Americans.
France and Italy who contested the last final, have both been sent packing along with 5 other Europeans while every South American team has made it out of the group stage.
It would be ungracious to suggest the venue has favoured the South Americans, they have just been better and deserve there places in the final 16. I strongly suspect the winners will come from either Argentina or Brazil but i would love to see one of the unfancied teams like Japan, Paraguay or South Korea take it.
As for England, i'd just like us to take a lead from Chile and get stuck in a bit more because what we need is a big Ponce in the heart of our defence. Over to you John Terry. the biggest Ponce we have.


  1. this post reveals how good you english think you are at soccer. you will not settle for anything less than the world cup. in the usa most people are satisfied that we made it this far...


  2. "this post reveals how good you english think you are at soccer."

    Really? I thought the gist of this post was the fact that we're a bit screwed cos we're on the tough side of the draw now, and how the whole thing is likely to be won by a South American team. Which are two points that I'd put money on most people in this country agreeing with...

    "i would love to see one of the unfancied teams like Japan, Paraguay or South Korea take it."

    I really liked the way Japan twatted Denmark (a team featuring the self-crowned 'best striker in the world', Bendtner, hardy-farking-ha), the Japs played the game well and in the right spirit. Paraguay on the other hand, when I saw them against NZ, just looked adept at clutching their faces and falling down like they've been shot, whenever they lost the ball, so the sooner those big girl's blouses are out, the better.

  3. The post had 3 points. The first was that we are boned, the second was a South American team will be walking off with the cup and thirdly a convoluted way of calling John Terry a ponce.

    The South Americans do have an annoying habit of falling down as if they have been shot with a bazooka clutching parts of their body if anyone tackles them. I know the Europeans have big girls blouses like Ronaldo who roll around but most of them stay on their feet. Apart from Emile Heskey obviously who has the strange ability to fall over whether he is tackled or not.

  4. cheese,

    i didn't say it was the point of his post. i said it reveals how much you english expect of your futbol clubs... i suppose the same is true of brits as a whole...

    speaking of futbol, the usa experience didn't last long...


  5. And nor did England. Still, you gotta be in it to win it, and it's fun to get behind your team (or teamS in my case) and ride the wave for as long as it lasts.

  6. England got the worst call I have seen in the game. I played futbol for 30 years and never saw a mistake as big as the missed goal at any level of the sport. seriously, the hillbillies that call our games never missed a call that important, that badly...

