FOAB Information

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Blairs guilty conscience

There is a great line somewhere on this blog concerning Margaret Thatcher and how so many people will want to dance on her grave when she dies that she will have to be buried under a discotheque to accommodate them all.
Tony Blair may not be dead but he is the only Prime Minister to challenge Maggie Thatcher as the most hated British politician of our time.
The Iraq and Afghan wars could be described as a bit of a public relations disaster for the former leader who said his actions will be judged by God who he hopes will concentrate more on the part of his time in power when he created the minimum wage and not spend so much time on the irresponsible killing of hundreds of thousands of Muslims bit.
Blair was obviously in need of a PR makeover if he wasn't going to be hounded by demonstrations and shouts of 'bLIAR' and 'War Criminal' every time he set foot outside his front door.
His big wheeze is to donate the proceeds from his grubby little autobiography to the British Legion who care for wounded military personnel. Wounded military personnel that are wounded in the wars that he started that is.
Quite rightly his idea had been roundly condemned as the idea of a man with a guilty conscience and any hope that his tattered image will be rehabilitated has been dismissed as a non-starter. Akin to Mount Vesuvius chipping into the Pompeii restoration fund one wag described it.
So what can Blair do to square things with the British public once again? Margaret Thatcher had the good sense to keep her head down and her mouth shut and hope that someone else would come along who would be as hated as her. Blair would be advised to do the same because by bringing out books to put his side of the story, he will only remind us just what a warmongering idiot he was.
I'm sure God will be putting a little tick in the plus column for his offer though which will negate the tick in the minus column for the £15m he has made doing lectures on the same subject.
The Iraqi & Afghan orphans and relatives of the 1m killed will be happy to know that the men sent to invade them will be looked after thanks to the largess of the man who lied to send them there.

1 comment:

  1. i think you misread these people.

    Leaders of the usa, UK, russia, china, (the biggies) really believe that what they do is right and justified no matter how badly they are viewed by others.

    . . . . .

    As for being hated. it has gotten to the point that every US president is hated by 25% to 40% of americans. W and O were hated by 25% before their first day in office, while jimmy carter and richard nixon had to earn their ratings.

    america has two really big, very vocal groups (25% left, 25% right).
    - the lefties HATE employeers (except of course for the press, lawyers, goverment, unions - yes they are big business), christians (muslims and others are ok just christians suck), white men (the root of all evil), freedom of speech (for white men), property rights, wealth (except for when it is in the hands elite leftie leaders), and the fact the people put their own self-interest ahead of the interests of others.
    - then of course the white lefties hate themselves (they mistreated japan with atomic bomb - seems we should have killed millions with a multi-year invasion, mistreated american indians, blacks, mexico, blah blah blah - the most recent of these events happened over 50 years ago!!!).
    - the lefties of course love federal government, blaming others for their mistakes (a good reason to have government - something to blame), redistribution of wealth to make things fair (it seems that people with money always got it unfairly unless it is a leftie), and extreme social behavior.

    - the righties HATE unions, non-christians (especially those that want to stop chrisitanity on grounds of freedom but then want to replace it with their religion), taxes, lawyers (especailly the ACLU that selectively defends the bill of rights), being told that no sexual behavior is abnormal, white lefties that hate themselves, and most of all BIG GOVERNMENT.
    - the righties love local government, a lot of traditional social behaviors like marriage (man and woman of course), and personal responsibility.

    These two groups really dominate the news and media and think they have the power, but the 50% in the middle have the true power since the other groups neutralize each other.

    Regardless, it is as easy to be hated these days as it has ever been.

