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Saturday 21 August 2010

More peace talks

Israel and Palestine is more Lucy's territory but seeing as she is stubbornly refusing to get back behind this keyboard, here is my take on the announcement that the Palestinians and Israeli's are getting together for peace talks.
Hamas don't want them and Israel don't want them and for the same reasons so they will fizzle out to nothing as usual.
Hamas doesn't want a change from the status quo because peace with Israel will make them redundant. They pitch themselves as the hero's fighting back for the Palestinians against an aggressive neighbour. Without Israel battering them, their role as defenders of the people goes out of the window.
Israel are happy to have things as they are, with the Palestinians under the heel of their boot so they can swipe their land and build settlements on it unmolested.
All the while missiles will continue to be sent towards Israel and gunships will continue shooting down Palestinians and they will blame each other for not wanting peace and it will go back to how it has always been.
The only solution is to stick a UN Force in the middle of the two of them with orders to stop Hamas firing their rockets and Israel to stop raiding Palestinian land because as the last 60 years has shown, leaving them to it isn't going to achieve anything.
Credit to Obama for trying but unless he is prepared to make proper demands of Israel, such as the ceasing of the settlement building and removing the wall, nothing will happen and i'm not holding my breath that anything will come out of this one.


  1. I'm at the point where I think the USA doesn't care anymore, but every president is obligated to try.


  2. i beleive that in negotiations under Clinton, israel made the concessions you suggest in your post and that they were rejected by the Palestinian representatives.

    why do you think the elected leaders of one of the oldest democracies (UK) doesn't give a poop about what the voters think, but that the leaders of Palestine care about what the Palestinians want? that is not logical.


  3. the more i read this post the more you confuse me.

    you write "Israel are happy to have things as they are... build settlements on it unmolested."

    then in the next sentence you write "All the while missiles will continue to be sent towards Israel..."

    if missiles were coming my way i wouldn't call it UNMOLESTED.


  4. You are right q, another case of me writing as clear as mud. I meant no Palestine military to stop them, just a handful of citizens demonstrating and then a few Hamas missiles lobbed over the wall.
