FOAB Information

Monday 9 August 2010

Bush to Boyle

At first glance the former American President President George W Bush and rubbish singer Susan Boyle don't have a great deal in common. I suppose you could make the link that both are murderers, Bush of people and Boyle of songs, but from now on there will always be a little bit of Georgie boy inside the hairy angel. Ooer.
Madame Tussuad's is famous for waxworks of the globally famous and annually it has a review of who's in and who's out and if you are out, it's the melting pot for you and that is the fate of the invasion monkey who is now to become Susan Boyle.
Bush has had the sense to keep his head down ever since he relinquished the keys to the White House unlike our own warmonger Tony Blair who has been on a grubby money grab while doing nothing as the Middle East envoy.
The much overrated Susan Boyle for her part has been pruned and warbling other people's songs while making a fortune for Simon Cowell.
In a case of the emperors new clothes, i hope soon the day will come when someone points out that actually, that Susan Boyle is not even an average singer and we can all get back to listening to decent female singers without Boyle clogging up the charts and her waxwork can be melted down to make Justin Bieber.


  1. "her waxwork can be melted down to make Justin Bieber."

    One Susan Boyle could make several Justin Biebers, surely?

  2. hanz,

    W is not hiding. he's letting O be president. it is one of the traditions that american presidents respect (except for jimmy carter - what an ass).

    have you noticed that Bush Sr. and Clinton collaborate on many issues - but that Jimmy Carter is snubbed.

    W didn't murder anybody. He said "we should attack iraq and afganistan" and 434 US representatives, 100 US senators, and about 250 million americans agreed with him.


  3. As Commander in chief, he is ultimatley responsible as Blair was here.
