FOAB Information

Friday 6 August 2010


A court has ruled a couple who called their children Adolf Hitler Campbell, Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Campbell should not regain custody of the children.
Fair enough, the parents sound a well rounded couple of idiots so the less the kids
see of them can only be a good thing. What struck me was who the hell is Hinler?
I'm no Nazi specialist but i know of Adolf Hitler and his Aryan Nation ideas but i have never heard of a Nazi known as Hinler and thought he must have been one of the lesser known Nazi's so googled him and it seems everyone is asking who is this Hinler chap then?
For once the Internet couldn't answer my question and the office know-it-all was stumped so i telephoned the Imperial War Museum and asked a nice lady "who was Hinler"?
After a few minutes of head scratching and muffled conversation the riddle was answered.
Turns out there was no Hinler and the cuddly Nazi the idiot parents meant to call young Heiny after was Heinrich Himmler but had either mispelt it or wanted to change it slightly so not to burden the youngster with such an obvious link to the Reichsführer-SS but that seems unlikely considering the names of the other two.
Seems the ma and pa were even denser than the very little credit we gave them.
I always thought out of all the Nazi's, Klaus Barbie had the best name. Somehow makes you think of Christmas and dolls and you could never fit that into the testicle song we all sang about Nazi's we all sang as kids. Joseph Goebbels was never going to fare well in that song.