FOAB Information

Thursday 23 September 2010

Flotilla Report Published: Israel Lied Shock

The Human Rights Council have published the results of their fact finding mission into the Israeli attacks on the flotilla of Gaza bound ships in May, and i expect the words 'anti-Semite' and ‘bias’ to be bandied liberally about by Israeli apologists.

Let’s take a seat and marvel at how the cargo was checked by three independent authorities and sealed before it left Ireland and how the seals remained intact when the ship was boarded by the Israelis. Not arms smuggling as the Israelis accused.

Be amazed at how the insulting references by unknown persons referring to ‘Auschwitz’ and the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Centre in New York which the Israelis said were transmitted to them over the ships radio by the flotilla are dismissed by the HRC as 'fabricated' and 'no such statements were made by anyone involved in communications on the flotilla.'

Gasp as it reports 'live ammunition was used from the helicopter onto the top deck prior to the descent of the soldiers.' Included in the fatalities was a man 'using a video camera and not involved in any of the fighting'.

Shake your head with dismay when you read how 'Israeli soldiers continued shooting at passengers who had already been wounded' and how 'forensic analysis demonstrates that two of the passengers killed on the top deck received wounds compatible with being shot at close range while lying on the ground' and how 'none of the four passengers who were killed on the top deck posed any threat to the Israeli forces' and reaches the conclusion that 'under the circumstances, it seems a matter of pure chance that there were not more fatalities as a result' and deciding that 'Israeli forces carried out extralegal, arbitrary and summary executions prohibited by International human rights law, specifically article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights'.

Sob at how 'a number of passengers were injured or killed whilst trying to take refuge inside the door or assisting other to do so'.

Feel ashamed at how after the Israeli forces has taken control of the flotilla, they meted out 'physical abuse of passengers including kicking and punching and being hit with the butts of rifles.'

Shift uncomfortably as you read about how at the processing centre in the Israeli port of Ashdod one 'Greek national, was dragged along the ground for some distance and then surrounded by a large group of Israeli officials who proceeded to beat him severely, including the deliberate fracture of his leg' or how a passenger 'was seen having his arm twisted behind his back by police to the point that the arm broke.

Weep at how Israeli authorities stole 'laptop computers, credit cards and
mobile telephones and how 'stolen credit cards were later used to purchase items in Israel'.

Nod in agreement at the conclusion that 'there is clear evidence to support prosecutions of the following crimes within the terms of article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention:
• wilful killing;
• torture or inhuman treatment;
• wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health.

And they will have us believe that Iran is the dangerous one in the Middle East.


  1. Great writing, Lucy. Very powerful.

    The more people who read this report the better. It will help to cancel out criticism of the report by America which, as we all know, rejects anything that suggests that Israel is brutal and regularly commits atrocities.

    Of course, America is also brutal and regularly commits atrocities itself.


  2. Hamas and the PFLP have also been publically critical of parts of the report...
