FOAB Information

Saturday 25 September 2010

Answering Irish terrorism

The threat level to Great Britain from Irish-related terrorism has gone from moderate to substantial, meaning an attack is a strong possibility, the Home Secretary has said.
Right, we have been here before and we know exactly how to deal with this.
Firstly we need a snappy name, something along the lines of 'Operation Kick the Mick' and then take out the Irish Government because as George W Bush said 'we can't distinguish between terrorist organizations and governments that harbored them'.
As the IRA have been hanging around Ireland for decades, the Prime Minster Brian Cowen and his gang have obviously not doing anything to root them out.
A coalition of the willing would be good, no need for any UN backing or that nonsense. I expect the powerhouses of Albania, Estonia and and Macedonia will be up for another adventure. If we pretend Ireland has oil there we can guarantee the Americans signing up as well.
We will need some Apache helicopters and a few high altitude bombers to hit whatever they like. Weddings and groups of civilians fleeing always seem a popular choice for our crack top gun boys.
Keep it up for a decade or so, smash the country with bombs and pollute it with uranium from the weapons and then withdraw stating that we have won while leaving the country in a mess and even more of a danger than we found it.
A tried and tested response to terrorism so what could possibly go wrong? Load up those 500lb bombs lads and Dublin is that-a-way.


  1. hanz,

    pretty lame.


  2. Loved this article, Hanz!

    Americans won't like it because it's too close to the mark (I should have said 'most Americans' because some of them are finally waking up to what their country is all about)!

    Actually, a lot of Irish people went to America centuries ago, didn't they? That might explain a lot.


  3. Nice one Hanz, although one thing you forgot was that we could also capitalise on our collective inability to tell one Irishman from another... i.e. retaliating for IRA attacks by digging Irish people we don't like out of their holes in the ground, sticking them in a kangaroo court, and then hanging them...

    For starters, I’d nominate Bono... Then maybe we could move onto Louis Walsh, Boyzone & Westlife, Roy Keane, Michael O’Leary... Bono’s the main one though.

    Then we could install an Irishman who we DO like as sovereign over the entire emerald isle; King of the Leprechauns, if you will... I reckon Terry Wogan would do a good job.
