FOAB Information

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Labours back

It was always a somewhat bizarre feeling that i helped get the Conservatives into Government.
I was one of those who couldn't bring themselves to vote Labour so voted Liberal Democrat instead who then went and used their new found popularity to get the Conservatives into Downing Street.
Now we are stuck with the last thing we wanted, David Cameron and his rich boys running things or rather running down things. It if isn't nailed down they are looking to cut it or stop it altogether. Oh well, only another four and a half years to go.
I am a Labour Party voter by rights but after the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, there wasn't a peg strong enough to allow me to vote for Blair or Brown but now Labour is back again with a new leader and all of the Blair brigade swept away.
I don't know much about Ed Miliband, he sounded like a Labour man in his initial speech where he received a roar of approval with the line 'We must protect those on middle and low incomes. They did nothing to cause the crisis but are suffering the consequences'.
A poll put Labour a point in front of the coalition and once the cuts hit at the end of October, when it is put into action the severe cuts to public services, there is a very real chance that the demonstrations and public outcry could bring down the coalition and force another election.
With the Lib Dems as a party now almost obsolete thanks to Clegg tying them to the Tories star, Labour would be in the perfect position to get back in power with all the bad remnants of the last Labour Government washed away and a fresh new cabinet with a proper Labour leader.
I'd put up with 12 months of Conservative rule for that so maybe the voting Liberal will turn out to be a great decision by those of us who gave voting Labour a miss last time.

1 comment:

  1. At least you had a third choice. In the States you've had to have voted Conservative or stayed home.
