FOAB Information

Sunday 31 October 2010

Saints v Sinners

As usual, the Church leaders are complaining about Halloween and are making a push to 'reclaim it for the Church'. One suggestion from the dog collar wearing fraternity has been to get children dressing up as Saints and not vampires or devils but you are not going to get many sweets turning up at my door looking like St Francis of Assisi. And what if i refuse, I mean, a saint can hardly threaten to egg my car, can he.
The Devil not only has the best tunes, he also has the best characters which is why the Church have as much chance of taking back Halloween as St. Bernadette of Lourdes had of getting a job at Hooters.
Anyway, given the revelations about the Catholic church recently, what could be scarier than having your kids open the front door to see a bloke dressed up as a Roman Catholic priest standing there?
Vampires are the most popular choice from the creatures of the night list but they have always been the more cooler of the dead types. We don't seem to see many Mummies or Zombies around these parts anymore. There are quite a few children wearing a sheet with holes cut out for the eyes and girls who go for the dead schoolgirl look. There are some who don't really get it and have rang the doorbell wearing fairy or sheriff costumes so they get the sweets nobody else takes. It's a way of saying i appreciate the effort but it has fallen short of my expectations and only worthy of a sour gobstopper which next doors cat licked and has a hair stuck to it. Try again next year.
We have a few Halloween events going on around here this year. Trips around the local haunted buildings, costume competitions and the cinema is holding a Halloween marathon with 12 hours of scary films.
If the Church is wanting to reclaim Halloween for all that is good and saintly, maybe it can resurrect that old Christian ritual of tying old ladies to a chair and seeing if they drown. Amen.


  1. hanz,

    i must disagree about the scariest costume. no way it is a priest. these are far scarier masks:
    - harry reid mask
    - nancy pelosi mask
    - obama mask
    - someone in a burka or similar muslum garb
    - someone wearing a union patch
    - george soros mask
    - an ACLU mask
    - wallstreet banker mask
    - wallstreet investor mask
    - postal worker mask
    - news anchor (ABC/NBC/CBS/NPR) mask
    - mask of any lead singer from an 80's band
    - chavez mask
    - putin mask
    - wal-mart employee mask
    - joy behar mask
    - sean penn mask


  2. "no way it is a priest. these are far scarier masks"

    Fair enough, but you're not a member of the Vienna Boys Choir are you, Q?

    It seems you mainly get disturbed by vaguely 'leftist' visages, Q! (or faces of people rightly-or-wrongly identified as such)... I guess we all have our demons...

    I identify with being scared by the lead singer from 80s rock bands anyway - Steven Tyler, David Coverdale, Ronnie James Dio (RIP), KISS without their make-up... Hideous...

    PS: I think Lucy wrote this one, Q...

  3. Yep, this came from my lefty brain Q. I do admit that you have a point with the 80s band members though. I have seen a few Top of the Pops 2 and there were some strange looking people singing into a mic back in the day.
    I think you will find all the banker masks will be on guy Fawkes dolls sitting on top of bonfires in a few days time.

    I never tire of looking at Steven Tyler just because i always think i am being too harsh on his looks and then when i see him i realise i wasn't.
