FOAB Information

Thursday 4 November 2010

Can he do it? Erm, nope

President Obama said that he took a shellacking at the mid terms this week but he must have expected it because America seems to be sinking further into the mire on his watch.
A much used comment was the china shop analogy where "if you break it, you own it" was much bandied around although i recall a Texan with an aversion to pretzels being the one breaking it.
Obama seems to be a victim of his own popularity. All the speeches previous to his landing in the White House seemed to give Americans false hope that he could steer the country out of the choppy waters but if anything, the waters have got a bit rougher while he has his hand on the rudder.
One threat has been the Tea Party who include a woman who may or may not be a witch but frowns upon masturbation. I don't know much about the Tea Party but they seem to have came out of the blue and in very little time, have become the third party in US politics.
If i was part of Team Obama, i would be thanking my lucky stars and hoping that they continue to grow in support because the emergence of the Tea Party could see him back in the big chair for another 4 years.
Linked to the Republicans, the Tea mob will either integrate into the Republicans or split the Republican vote.
Imagine the fun the Democrats will have when faced with dozens of candidates of the calibre of Sarah Palin when it comes to election time.
Alternatively, they will become a third party and those who would have voted Republican will now have two right wing parties to put their x alongside shaving priceless votes from the stronger Republican Party.
That said Obama is considering another round of quantitative easing to the tune of $600 billion which won't go down well while there is almost 10% unemployment and the country is already over a trillion debt. Especially with news that bankers already sky high salary and bonuses have increased 4% this year. Living in your car while looking for a job while the cause of your downfall are filling their boots isn't the best incentive for voters to give the man in charge another go.
Even with a bunch of Tea Partyers lined up against him, Obama may well be shellacked out of the door in 2 years.


  1. hanz,

    i don't like anything about obama as president , but he did start with a mess. of course, much of the mess was due to actions of the house and senate - both under democrat control the last 2 years of W's administration. and, i'm not sure it is a mess that can be cleaned up in less than 10 years regardless of leadership... time will tell.


  2. Sorry for the confusion q, it's lucy back again. Hanz has decided he has 'broken' my blog enough and has taken a back seat.

    I had great expectations for Obama but he seems to have shrunk before our eyes. He strode around confidently like a breath of fresh air and then he got into power and has just been clumsy, awkward and taking far too many hits.

  3. I thought that Hanz did a great job considering who he was following and who the in-house commentators were that he had to deal with.

    Your blog, Lucy, is not 'broken.' It just needs a more diverse readership!


  4. I think he meant broken as in the stats had bombed. I did say it was because he didn't post enough but you know what men are like David so i agreed to take it back but i had better get a decent Xmas pressie off him.

  5. Hanz isn't so bad. But I guess David is right that the number of folks commenting dropped a bit.

    On to the post itself though. The tea party movement showed up in early 2009 as a semi-grassroots movement of smaller government types. By the start of 2010, it was fully consumed by the mainstream right. It is way over-hyped and will dissipate long before November 2012.

    The party with the President tends to lose mid-terms. This mid-term is just like any other.

    None of the far right tea party folks could win the presidency. 3 out of 5 of the Texas Republicans I know would vote for Obama over Palin and so nobody needs to worry about her. He will be a shoe-in in 2012 unless the Republicans can find someone half-electable to run against him. The only folks like that I can think of are Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush (a.k.a. "the smart one"), and maybe Rick Perry. None of these choices are particularly good.

    So as it stands, Obama is coming back in 2012, the tea partiers and Sarah Palin are going away, and it's "business as usual". This ain't great, but it ain't the end of the world either.


  6. David,

    you mean like at your blog where everybody but me agrees with you?

    i do agree that hanz did a nice job.

