FOAB Information

Saturday 8 January 2011

Give The Bankers Their Bonuses

From the outset, i have been against paying the bankers their bonuses, which is expected to run into billions.
It took a Taxman of all people to change my mind to do the unthinkable and hope that they do get paid the billions with two words, '50% tax'.
Mr Banker and his tosspot buddies get their £6 billion, the country receives £3 billion of that in tax.
If, as i previously thought, Mr Banker and the tosspots don't get paid the bonuses, they don't receive anything but then, as my tax friend pointed out, neither do we.
It would be a classic case of cutting off our noses to spite our face to give up an extra £3 billion just so the bankers don't get anything, that extra money could mean the difference between a hospital staying open or closing.
So i say give them the bonuses and hope they buy big yachts and sail them around the coast of Somalia which i hear is particularly outstanding this time of year. Don't forget to send us a postcard.

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