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Friday 7 January 2011

Wanna See Our Ashes Aussies?

It's easy to mock Australia what with the silly names such as Boing Boing, Burrumbuttock and Tittybong. Then there are the light fingered relatives that made them Australians in the first place and the fact that there are more than enough sheep in the country for the 20 million population to have 8 each to do what they want with. And now their cricket team have gone and lost the Ashes to England.
Usually, after England has just beaten another country at a sporting event, we take a lead from the Norwegian commentator when Norway beat England in a World Cup qualifying game who listed all the famous Englanders he could think of and ended with, you're guys took one hell of a beating.
To keep that fine tradition going, by this position of the post we should be well into a list of famous Australians and dredging Google for some obscure ones but i'm struggling because the best known ones, are all here and pretty much honorary Brits.
Kylie Minogue and her sister Danni, Jason Donovan, Rolf Harris and Dame Edna Everage (Barry Humphries) are all in the UK and refusing to budge while the other famous 'Australians' are Brit Olivia Newton-John, Hawaiian Nicole Kidman and Rupert Murdoch who is now American.
That only leaves one well known Aussie so Alan Dale who played Jim Robinson in Neighbours, you're guys took one hell of a beating!!
See, told you it was easy.


  1. Congratulations to Britain on the rare Ashes win. It great that the homeland can actually win something now and again.

    Of course, if we look at the last Olympics...

  2. I have seen some of the Australian newspapers, your guys are getting mauled by them.

  3. And rightfully so, Lucy. It's what happens when you win most of the time!

    Britain doesn't know what that means. :-)

  4. For the record, it's now 3 out of the last 4 Ashes that England have won...

  5. Of course, if we look at the last Olympics...

    ...then we see this...

  6. But if we compare the population of Britain with Australia, it puts things into a more honest perspective, old boy!

  7. Wahey! It's been a while since an Aussie's had to use the "We're only widdle" excuse for losing! But clearly, those days are here again. Unlucky... Erm... cobber.

  8. Moving the debate away a second, are you anywhere near the floods David? I heard on the radio Brisbane is being emptied of people very quickly.

  9. I just did a post on the floods, Lucy, which gives some idea of the catastrophe.

    Ten people are dead already and over 90 people are missing. The floods in Queensland extend over an area the size of France and Germany!

    And no, I'm not near the floods for which I'm thankful.

    P.S. Perhaps God is punishing us for losing the Ashes to the POMs (Pretentious Old Maids).

  10. "I just did a post on the floods, Lucy, which gives some idea of the catastrophe."

    Horror... I had no idea things were getting so bad!

  11. Glad to hear you are well away from the flooding David. The TV pictures are horrific.
