FOAB Information

Thursday 28 April 2011

It's Started

We are only 4 months into the year and already mother nature has shown she is not happy and bared her teeth.
Major earthquakes in Japan, Argentina, New Zealand, Iran and Chile. Floods in Australia, Brazil and Indonesia and swathes of tornadoes sweeping across America this week killing over 200 people.
Earthquakes really are just things that happen and we cannot be blamed for them but floods and tornadoes can simply be put at the doorstep of a reaction to what we have done to our planet.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the ‘dramatic weather patterns are consistent with changes in the climate caused by mankind'.
Dr Peter Stott, head of climate monitoring at the Met Office, called it 'clear evidence of an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events because of climate change. The odds of such extreme events are rapidly shortening and could become considered the norm by the middle of this century'.
Unbelievably, there are still some people that deny climate change is happening, useful idiots of the companies that want us to believe climate change is a conspiracy theory rather trust the thousands of climate scientists of the IPCC, NASA and the World Meteorological Organization.
What is happening around the world due to global warming should be an alarm call because we have moved on from warning what may happen to it now actually happening.


  1. The IPCC folks seem to think that any sort of weather is evidence that they are right. What kind of weather would the IPCC not attribute to man-made climate change?

    And the well-worn notion of "trusting scientists" may take some further than they want to go. Does this mean we ought to trust all of the geologists and social scientists?


  2. It's climate change Nog, not weather. You have to look at the trends and the trend is for more disruptive storms as the climate guys have been warning of for years. Now we are reaping it.

  3. Climate change not weather?

    So there's man-made climate change. That isn't enough. There's nothing wrong with climate change. They need to find some way to make climate change deadly. The side of reason generally does not include the folks who cherrypick news reports.

    The IPCC often seems to have trouble with the facts. The IPCC has readjusted its numbers a number of times, and always in a single direction. Any scientist who points to the anecdotal evidence of news reports of natural phenomena really has to be desperate to dig up something solid to support his theory. And certainly, when scientists start destroying opposing evidence, one might wonder about their integrity.


  4. lucy,

    I'm one of those idiots not convinced. these were NOT the worst tornatoes ever... they were the worst in 40 years. Yes we had worst tornadoes in 1971 - they same year we had massasive flooding in much of the USA...

    PLUS we war 20 years overdue for a really bad hurricane season.

    there are a lot more people than there were just 40 years ago and they are gathering in the places with the worst weather. if that same tornado had hit tuscaloosa 40 years ago it would have done one third the damage because the city is three times bigger...

    and by the way. nature doesn't know we are in the 4th month of the year. we created the calendar...

    good try though Lucy.


  5. I wouldn't go this far. If you pump out 18 billion cubic feet of whatever, it's going to do something. The laws of thermodynamics are nature's way of saying TANSTAAFL.

    There's a middle ground between doing nothing until you know exactly the effects of what you're doing, and doing everything until you know exactly the effects of what you're doing. The IPCC folks are in the former category. But the latter category is just as dangerous.

    Additionally, there have been some legal moves involving the Common Law to prevent individuals from using pretty ancient legal claims (nuisance) to get nearby polluters to lighten up. There's no reason why someone with an 800 year-old right to enjoy his property without interference from his neighbors shouldn't be able to continue to enjoy his property without interference now.


  6. Nog, i'm a tad confused over your 'There's nothing wrong with climate change. They need to find some way to make climate change deadly' line.
    I read it that you agree the climate is changing but you don't see that as a necessarily bad thing. That is despite the stack of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Would like to know how you don't see rising sea levels, desertfication, floods, rising temperatures and more intense storms and all the secondary problems as deadly.

    Q- Good try Lucy and all the experts at the The National Severe Storms Laboratory in Oklahoma, the IPCC, the MET, New Scientist, NASA and WMO you mean.
