FOAB Information

Saturday 30 April 2011

Why Are All The Nutters Republican?

America has an election in 2012 and their elections always seem more entertaining than our own staid affair.
One reason is the characters that American politics has in the early stages of their elections.
For whatever reason, it seems that the Republicans draw more than their fair share of nutters and fruitcakes like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and the latest fruityloop, Donald Trump.
Palin hasn't said if she will run for the Republican candidacy yet but it is expected she will throw her hat into the ring. Kim Jong Il will be happy, considering her utterances that America will stand by there North Korean allies.
Michelle Bachmann is being called the heir to Palin. She once tried to stop Aladdin being shown in a local school on religious grounds, stating that it endorsed witchcraft and promoted paganism.
At a protest of her proposed ban of same-sex marriage in Minnesota, Bachmann was photographed hiding in bushes, spying on the rally. Bachmann's explanation was that her feet were sore, saying she was wearing high heels and she just couldn't stand anymore although she later acknowledged that she was actually spying on the rally. Perhaps she had heard of a secret Aladdin screening.
She has also said it was an interesting coincidence that swine flu only breaks out under Democratic presidents and claims 'there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows carbon dioxide is a harmful gas' to defend her position that climate change is a hoax.
A Gallup poll shows Donald Trump is the current favourite out of the current crop of 2012 Republican candidates.
Since announcing his campaign to run as the Republican nominee to take on Obama, the strange haired billionaire has laid out his political thinking with lines such as "I would go in and take the oil' when asked about Libya, On Iraq, he says 'We stay there, and we take the oil. In the old days, when you have a war and you win, that nation's yours.'
Trump won't even shake hands with any ordinary Americans, because 'you catch all sorts of things from them'.
The unfortunate thing is that Obama needs serious opposition, he has been a massive disappointment, but faced with such sheer lunacy on the opposition side, all he has to do is show up and collect the keys for another 4 years.


  1. So the media is a bit bigger on Republican nuts at the moment. What does that mean Maybe not all that much. There are nutters on both sides in about equal proportions. Democrats seem to think (or say they think) that Bush planned or at least knew about 9/11. Michael Moore is a Democrat. Dennis Kucinich is a Democrat. Paul Krugman is a Democrat. Robert Reich is a Democrat. Jimmy Carter is a Democrat. There are all sorts of nutty Democrats.

    Darwin's Origin of Species came out in 1859. Smith's Wealth of Nations came out in 1776. People who think that Barack Obama is a secret Kenyan Muslim terrorist, that Disney promotes witchcraft, and that the world is a 6000 year-old unmoving flat plane at the center of the universe are substantially more enlightened than people who think that the government (presumably using some form of magic magic) can give them a free lunch.

    More generally, the Republicans who say that Obama is a Kenyan are probably thinking the same way as Democrats who think that Bush was in on 9/11. They don't really believe it, they just say it on a poll response because they don't like the other party's man.

    And besides trump is more or less an invention of the media. Polls in mid-2011 don't mean much in late-2012. I could go dig up all sorts of interesting polls from 18 months before each presidential election. If you ask anyone in May 2013, they'll tell you that the notion that Trump was ever a front runner is absurd.

    Media folks, of whatever political persuasion, are all about a "narrative." Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum don't seem to be interesting-enough for news writers to make their compelling narrative. And if there aren't clean cut sides and clusters of good and evil, wisdom and foolishness where they want them, they find them on the fringes and pretend like its at the center of the debate.

    Looking at the present set of candidates, you got Pawlenty, Santorum, Romney, and maybe Huckabee. Santorum and Pawlenty don't the "name recognition" at the moment, but it isn't like anyone knew who Bill Clinton was in April 1991.


  2. Being a nutter is a pre-requisite of being a right winger in American politics.

  3. Lucy,

    If you think all the nutters are republicans then you are a nutter. there is little sane about nancy pelosi or harry reid. then there is jesse jackson (to whom every action is racist), michael moore (a blantantly lying millionaire that makes his millions by attacking millionaires), and al gore. yes al gore. if a republican had been the original person to say we are the cause of global warming he/she would be called a fear monger! of course, the democrats also have all the hollywood political geniuses like alec baldwin and jane fonda.

    come on, be fair. there are plenty of nuts on all sides... being a nut is a pre-req for being a far-left facist. who else would suggest we stop using toliet paper to stop global warming?


  4. You are probably right q about the nutters being on all sides but as far as i am aware Moore, Gore, Jackson etc are not potential 2012 presidents. Not sure who Harry Reid is without googling.

  5. lucy,

    i missed the presidential aspect. you're right. obama isnt a nutter - just a liar and war monger...


  6. No arguments from here about the liar and warmonger aspect.
