FOAB Information

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Another Conspiracy Theory Busted

It is a well known fact beyond any shadow of doubt that Princess Diana was murdered by the Royal Family, that Global Warming is a fraud, John F. Kennedy was assassinated by either the CIA or the Mafia and that 9/11 was planned by the US Government.
The secret of a good conspiracy theory is that it has to be so absurd that it just has to be true and probably the biggest is that the Apollo Moon Landing was faked by NASA.
As long as i can remember there have been very boring people pointing to the angle of shadows of rocks or how the astronauts could not have survived the galactic ambient radiation. Yawn.
I always wondered why the Americans didn't get one of their unmanned crafts to take a snap of the landing area on its way elsewhere to shut up all the conspiracy theorists once and for all so that's exactly what they have done.
A NASA lunar reconnaissance orbiter circling the moon has snapped photographs of the tracks and debris left by Apollo astronauts and clearly shows the spacemen's path when they walked on the moon. The photos also show ruts left by a roving vehicle and even ditched backpacks.
Hopefully, this is another nail in the coffin that the US moon landings were staged on a movie set by Americans eager to outstrip the Russians in the space race.
Now Roswell, that's another story. You really expect us to swallow that weather balloon baloney?


  1. ‘Conspiracy theory’ is a very broad term, isn't it? It can refer to really stupid stories (like the moon landing being faked). Or, it can be used to describe things that turn out to be true.

    Overall, I think it stands to reason that some parts of history did not happen the way the ‘accepted version’ currently says that they did.

    We can sense this just by pondering the sheer statistical likelihood that every single story dubbed a ‘conspiracy theory’ in the mainstream media is wrong.

    But we also know it because of the ones that the ‘powers that be’ have attempted to foist upon us, but have subsequently broken down under the weight of contradictory evidence. The obvious recent example is the ‘WMDs in Iraq’ lie… but the absolute classic was the Tonkin Gulf incident (when the USS Maddox was supposedly torpedoed by North Vietnamese, thereby giving the US a pretext for the Tonkin Gulf resolution and the wholly pointless war that followed). The idea that the North Vietnamese did not torpedo the Maddox was once a conspiracy theory; now it’s a widely accepted fact.

    Now, are we really supposed to believe that these are the only two occasions when the US government has attempted to pull the wool over the eyes of its citizenry? And on both occasions they failed?

    If you don’t believe this, and you believe instead that these two stories are just part of a much wider web, concealing frequent differences between what the government is doing and what the government says that its doing, then in some circles you’ll be branded ‘conspiracy theorist’.

    (Btw, I’m not picking on the USA here; these are just the two that sprung to my mind – I could just as easily pick out examples perpetrated by other governments and their cohorts in the media… e.g. it’s not currently well-known how humans were used as guinea pigs in the South Pacific when the UK and France were conducting nuclear testing down there, to test the biological effects of radiation. To some people this is a conspiracy; to others, particularly those who were there – one of whom I’ve met – it’s simply a plain fact. And I’m also not just picking on governments either – multinationals perpetrate deceptions also, as long as its in the interests of the corporation e.g. oil company activities in Africa – there’s lots of dodgy stuff Shell got up to in the Niger Delta that used to be conspiracy theory; now it’s acknowledged as being true).

    People like moon landing deniers and 9-11 ‘truthers’ who say the Pentagon was hit by a missile, give ‘conspiracy theories’ as a whole, a bad name. It’s crackpots that these who we immediately think of when we hear the term.

    In fact, it’s almost enough to make me think that these nutters are government ‘plants’, sent to divert and distract us from the real conspiracies that our leaders are involved in…

    Now there’s a conspiracy! ;)

  2. Stoner PerspectiveApril 14, 2012 11:18 am

    I know this post is pretty old, and i doubt any of you come here anymore, but if you do id like to have a go.

    First of all, Falling on a bruise, i am glad that you have posted about NASA taking photos. i have known for a while but still widely hear people questioning the landings. its nice to know i have a website to send them to, just to clear the issue up. Having said that Cheezy has raised alot of very solid issues. I too know about the South Pacific nuclear testing and as you must by now the Maddox incident.

    Secondly, Cheezy, the only reason i decided to post this was because of your last few lines. Im not saying i agree but the thought proved what you where saying to be true. the 9 11 retards are giving the whole concept an unbelievable nature. However there are still many out there that could hold some light and be proved in later years. And the idea of the higher powers ( of any nation) making there own conspiracy's, to cover the real ones up is an intelligent idea. however i don't think that any body would be able to think up crazy enough ideas that would be able to plant into someone's head as a distraction from what's right in front of their faces. But a nice thought.

    Finally i would just like to say thank you, in my current state of mind, reading your comments was both gratifying and humorous. so Thank you both for that.

    And finally

  3. It ate my F$%£"//) comment again!!!!

  4. Sorry Stoner Perspective, i did do a proper answer to you but Blogger is being awkward again.

    The jist of what i said was that not all conspiracy theories are mad but the majority of them are are and i like that, we need a bit of healthy suspicion sometimes because we live in a World of and redirection.

    My favorite theory has to be that Stephen King shot John Lennon, that was a classic.

  5. Stoner PerspectiveApril 15, 2012 2:23 pm

    I like that Lucy, 'a world of redirection'. And yes your right healthy suspicion is good. And i had not heard that one about stephen king and John Lennon, insanity :). My favourite was the Idea that Einstein was in the early Mafia :D

    It's nice to see other people still use these old posts.
