FOAB Information

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Hiya Max Keiser

Over the years the political left have had some very good representatives such as Michael Moore, George Clooney and the Green Day boys while the political right has Sarah Palin, Phil Collins and that guy who played Chachi in Happy Days.
Now along has come another left winger, rising to the challenge of putting the right wing back in its place. That place being sat mumbling to themselves in a corner somewhere.
Step forward Mr Max Keiser, economist, green activist and scourge of the big global corporations like Coca-Cola by once setting up a scheme for making money by short selling their stock and distributing the proceeds to victims of Coke's business model in places like India and Cambodia.
Apparently the idea was a bit of a flop and Coca-Cola is still going strong but attempts to knock the big boys are always gratefully received.
Max has his own show on the RT Network, BBC Radio 5 and has began popping up whenever a lefty slant is needed to equalise the usual right wing 'don't hit the rich' mantra.
The devil may have all the best tunes as the saying goes but the left has all the cool people so what will Fonz's cousin have to say about that?

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