FOAB Information

Friday 25 November 2011

Court Finds Bush & Blair Guilty

Since they both moved into political retirement, Bush has kept out of the limelight and stayed in Texas while Blair had a go at remaining in the spotlight before quickly realising amid a deluge of insults and shoes that he had better keep his head down also.
While there are relatively few places that the unpopular pair could go on holiday and not be abused, if they had any plans to soak up the rays in Malaysia they had better think again because a court in Kuala Lumpar has declared them war criminals.
Though the verdict of the court carries no legal weight, the court held a trial and the decision was that:
'The Tribunal came to the unanimous conclusion that a prima facie case exists that President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair committed a crime against peace by their decision to invade and conquer Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein'.
The judge continued that 'Nothing in the United Nations Charter permits the actions undertaken by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair. The idea that the United States or United Kingdom was threatened by Iraq is preposterous.
The invasion of Iraq was an unlawful act of aggression and is an international crime. They acted with deceit therefore they are guilty as charged'.
The Court then recommended filing reports with the International Criminal Court against the two accused and that they both be included in the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission’s register of war criminals.
Luckily for the unloved duo, the Court has no power to enforce their decision but it is proof that their crimes have not been forgotten or forgiven and the pressure on them is ongoing.
Next up for trial is Donald Rumsfeld, the US Secretary of Defence during the Iraq War and the most smug faced person on the planet.


  1. lucy,

    give it up. god almighty. that shit wont float...


  2. Thankfully not everyone is as keen to let them off as you. They may not end up in a court facing war crimes but it shows that there is still anger over what the two of them done and i am very happy to see that.

  3. lucy,

    then you will have happiness your whole life because there will always be people living in the past...

    did you know there are still people angry at dead men like nixon, truman, and churchill...

    434 of 435 US Congressmen and Congresswomen and 50 US Senators voted to invade Iraq - including the likes of Al Gore. They are the ones that provided the money and authority to invade. Don't you think we should hang them as well?

    and you know what, Obama should be executed as well. I mean look at what he's doing in pakistan. of course, hillary has to hang too...

    Who does Jimmy Carter think he is - he sent troops into Iran. We need to hang him. He did not have permission to send in a "rescue" team - lets face it, that was an invasion! he should have let the UN handle it the legal way.


  4. NEWSLASH this just in... it seems that in 1836 the "defenders" of the Alamo were there unlawfully... they should all be tried and hanged! Oppps. Too late.

    Still we should live in the past - even if we have to take a delusional stand to make our point.


  5. Execute them? I'm in Europe not Texas. Yep, the families of those million Iraqis we killed should get over it, that was a decade ago, what's there problem?? And those 6 million dead Jews, move on dudes. And rememberance Sunday, WW1 was almost a century ago, what's the point?

  6. exactly. move on. i'm all for that and i would dump all "rememberance" like days in a new york second.

    learn from the past (the whole past - not the selected past) and move on!


  7. I guess I'm not quite as forgiving as some other people. Simon Wiesenthal was one of my favourite people. Screw forgiveness, let's euthanise the bastards :)

    The thought of this happening to Bliar and Campbell is all that keeps me going some days... Probably won't happen of course, but sometimes it's nice to dream.
