FOAB Information

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Whatever Happend To...

While moving around some of the right wing sites on the internet, you do tend see quite a bit of amusing rhetoric regarding the protests in America. I was reading one recently that urged it's readers to arm themselves and fill their pantries in preparation of the oncoming Anarchist Socialist revolution. Wonderfully insane and i mentioned recently how Communism, Socialism and Marxism are all jumbled together in the minds of the enlightened right wingers who warn of the coming Soviet take over.
Stalin and Lenin are the usual historical bogey men the brickbats are thrown out but for some reason, the third of the revolting trio seems to escaped unscathed.
Apart from a mention by The Stranglers in their song 'No More Heroes', poor old Leon Trotsky hardly ever gets a mention, it's always those other two hogging the hate which is even more stranger when you consider Trotsky was the one who advocated permanent revolution which would have spread Communism worldwide. The other two lightweights were content to hold what they had.
If it wasn't for the occasional joke about ice picks, Trotsky would just never be mentioned and he was as much part of the Russian Revolution as Joseph and Vladimir.
He got one of the main roles in George Orwell's Animal Farm as Snowball who was later forced out of the farm by Napoleon after overthrowing Farmer Jones and yet he is spared the wrath of nutty right wingers who warn that people protesting against banks will lead to a re-run of the Great Purges from Maine to that place down the bottom full of oranges, old people and voting machines that don't work properly.
I say Trotsky should be treated with as much laughingly bad hyperbole as Stalin and Lenin by right wingers who want to scare their readers and i'm sure Barack Obama would agree, and he's a card carry Communist. Apparently.


  1. He also had a role in the biopic about Frida Kahlo... in which he was played by Geoffrey Rush. I thought old Geoff's accent was a little strange, but maybe I'm a bit 'picky' when it comes to Trotsky (teehee).

  2. funny Lucy,

    i was gonna go look at some far left sites then i realized, this is a far left site... not as far as David's but still... oh well.


  3. Lucy, stand up and take a bow!

    To be called a 'leftie' shows that you are one of the good guys who want peace and equality in the world rather than endless war and a situation where one percent of the world's people have most of the wealth.

  4. It might just be all in my imagination q but the number of far right sites vastly outnumbers the far left sites. Far right sites also seem much more, well, shouty i guess. I imagine them being written by the sort of people who jab their fingers at you when they speak.

    It is a cross us lefties have to bear david, to be accussed of wanting peace, equlity and a more pleasant world for us all to live in. God we are terrible.

  5. lucy,

    it is your imagination.


  6. lucy,

    it is your imagination.

