FOAB Information

Monday 9 January 2012

He's Saying What We All Think

Obama on Chavez: 'We’re concerned about the government’s actions, which have restricted the universal rights of the Venezuelan people, threatened basic democratic values, and failed to contribute to the security in the region'.

Chavez to Obama: 'You know what, Obama? I feel sorry for you. Just ask the black communities of your country what you mean to them. You are the greatest disappointment of recent years. Go ask the poor people of your country. You are a great disappointment to them'.

The chubby South American has got you there Barack and as Mr Chavez delivers free heating oil each winter for 500,000 poor Americans living in low-income neighborhoods and shelters throughout your country, you should be a bit nicer to him as he is picking up your slack!


  1. really, that's what we all think. you are projecting your thoughts about obama onto a tad too many people.

    i'm shocked that you aren't worried about democratic values and universal rights in venuzuela. i mean you see to worry about them in the usa on a frequent basis...

    his charity to the poor in the usa is a farce. im gonna look into it and i expect to see a great big pile of bull output...


  2. Some data (sorry if the data gets in the way David)...

    1.Venezuela delivered 5M gallons of heating oil at a 40% discount (NOT FREE Lucy)

    2. LOOK AT MOTIVE – SOUND LIKE CAPITALISTS: It’s good business thinking, says Venezuela’s Ambassador to the U.S., one of the program’s architects. "The U.S. is our biggest customer," says Alvarez. "PDVSA is simply responding to that client the way any company should."

    3. MORE ON MOTIVE: Despite political tensions between the United States and Venezuela, the United States remains Venezuela's most important trading partner. In 2009, bilateral trade topped U.S. $37.4 billion. Venezuelan exports to the United States were U.S. $28 billion (42% of total Venezuelan exports). The U.S. is the single most important customer for Venezuelan oil. Venezuela shipped an average of 1.1 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum products per day to the U.S. in 2009, a figure which accounted for at least half of Venezuelan oil exports.

    warning I used journalist research methods...


  3. It's just a saying q, not to be taken literally.

    Anyway, about the CITGO-Venezuela Heating Oil Program:

    The program will help more than 400,000 people this year in 25 states...families living in tenant-owned cooperatives, residents of over 250 homeless shelters, and thousands of single-family households...use the strength of our resources to help alleviate the burden for those struggling to pay for home heating costs..The 7th edition of the program was launched with a delivery of fuel to the Camden, N.J., row-house of a grandmother living on a limited income. Arlene Grier, who raised three children in her home on Merrimac Road, thanked Granado and Kennedy after they made a delivery of free heating oil to her home...“As the nation continues to recover from the global economic recession, I am delighted to see that CITGO and Citizens Energy Corporation will once again provide many eligible working families and seniors with free heating oil this winter,” said Camden Mayor Dana L. Redd...Families struggling to pay for home heating oil can call Citizens Energy at 1-877-JOE-4-OIL (1-877-563-4645) to see if they are eligible for heating oil assistance. If approved, the household will receive an authorization letter and details on how to arrange for a one-time delivery of 100 free gallons of oil.

    As the word 'free' crops up so many times, I think we need to have a chat about your journalist research methods mr q.

  4. oh you mean it helps people that live in gov subsidized housing and that eat gov subsidized food... did you know they also get gov subsidized uitilities?

    sounds like a small price discount from Ven to the USA

    anyway quit ignoring the real situation. Ven isn't doing it for the people. they admit that they think it is good business to give a 1% discount to their biggest client.


  5. also, i would say, without a poll or survey, that 85% of blacks in america support obama and will not stop supporting him.

    many whine because he hasn't done what they wanted (wide range of punitive actions), but that doesn't mean they would rather have chavez...


  6. So you don't like Chavez (pond scum i think the description was) because he gives away his oil to your countries poorest rather than sell it to them? So if he sold it to them at full price, would that make him okay in your book because then it would be just business?

    It seems your dislike of Mr Chavez is blinding you to just what a wonderful example he is.

  7. lucy,

    your research seems flawed. based on a report from a Venezuelan newspaper (controlled by the government since Chavez won't allow free speech) CITGO sells the US 1,500,000 gallons (or is it barrels) per day. in this case they sold 500,000 (one third of a single day) at a 40% discount.

    did he do it because we can't take care of them ourselves. NO. he did it so Americans would increase how much product we buy from CITGO.

    Lucy don't start sounding like David. Chavez can be good at selling his wares and still suck overall. it seems to me that all of the tyrants are good at economics when it comes to their personal finances. also, a person can have lots of good traits that are overridden by one flaw (if it is big enough – of course he has many, number one being a tyrant).

    you are the one always talking about how great a leader he is because he attacks capitalism. here is acting very capitalistic and you mistake it for charity or something else.


  8. I like him because he helps the poorest in society, and not just his own society.
    Bottom line is the poor get free heating oil, how or why they get it doesn't concern them, they just know they can heat their homes and not have skip meals to pay for it.
    If you cannot see that as admirable then you need to realign your radar because it has been knocked off kilter.

  9. bottom line is the american tax payers get a break, the poor were gonna be taken care without help from Venezuela

