FOAB Information

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Waving Scotland Goodbye

Kingdoms are run by kings, empires by emperors and now Scotland is hoping to be a country which means, ironically enough, it will be run by Alex Salmon who is looking to wrench the cold and wet bit at the top of Britain away from the rich bit down the bottom.
I'm all for Scotland going it alone, i will be waving it goodbye as it removes the Union Flag and hoists the Saint Andrew's Cross in its place, hopefully just as they realise that they might have made a bit of a boo boo.
As an independent country, we would have a perfect excuse to send back all the Scottish languishing down here taking all our jobs, claiming benefits etc etc.
Rod Stewart, you can have him back and the Krankies. Andy Gray can pack his tartan suit case and Billy Connelly, Ewan McGregor, Alan Hansen and Annie Lennox can all clamber back onto your side as well. David Tennant can stay if he likes though.
We can also say goodbye to having to listen to the Scottish football scores because we really care that East Stirlingshire beat Berwick Rangers and it solves our problem of having to shoehorn in 4 Scottish players into our British Olympic football team.
No more of those god awful Scots Guards bagpipe tunes so yep, it's a win win for us except for now having to store our own Weapons of mass destruction somewhere, hang on, we still have Northern Ireland so problem solved. Cya Scotland.


  1. I won't talk about the oil because, as people should know by now, oil is owned and controlled by multinational companies, not countries... The people who are saying they've got our up there in the North Sea really do need to take another look at things...

    Anyway, regarding the independence thing... I guess something's going to happen soon, but I won't be too surprised if it's not the complete political independence that Salmond wants...

    (He's a rather strange man, really... and quite the demagogue... As Michael White said in The Guardian the other day, he's continually trying to reduce complex issues down to the level of national dimension... "them = bad, us = good"... hmmm, sounds a bit like someone who sometimes hangs around here)...

    He's also not as popular north of the border as he seems to think he is. Many Scots have a sophisticated take on the pros and cons of the union.

    But this seems to be coming to a head right now because we've got a Tory government back in power and, as everyone knows, the Tories are about as popular in Scotland as smallpox. And, post-Thatcher, there really is no chance of this changing. Never very popular in the first place, the 79-97 administration destroyed the Conservative Party in Scotland, effectively forever. So they don't feel represented by the people in Westminster whatsoever right now (even less than the rest of us then!).

    So I can definitely see more devolution, but I've a feeling there'll be a surprise or two

  2. you talk about the scots the way some people here talk about mexicans. good luck trying to control the border. remember you are morally committed to provide them free health care, free education, subsidized housing and food, and all the rest that lefites say the USA has to do for illegal aliens... oh, and you can't check for their citizenship when providing them servcies, when hiring, or when they want to vote...


  3. I feel your pain regarding your illegals, Q, but I'm not sure the analogy is completely valid. For a start, unless the Scots left the EU, they wouldn't be illegal aliens... common labour marketplace, and all that...

    Plus, if the Scots turn out to be like most of our other immigrants from other cultures (and all joking aside, I can't see why they wouldn't be) then they'll be a net gain for our economy.

    I'm not saying some don't take this piss. Some do. But then, so do some 100% English-born-and-bred people.

    So I'd welcome Mad Jock Poo-Plop McTaggart and all his mates. As long as he doesn't try to deep-fry any of our Mars bars.

  4. I read in a few papers today the fact that if Scotland did leave and take all it's MPS with it, the Labour Party would lose so many seats that it would take an almighty effort to unseat the Conservatives ever again who only have 1 seat up there.
    The polls i have seen quoted seem to say that Scotland will be staying part of the union for quite a while yet.

    Us and the Scots do like to mock each other q, we make fun of them being drunk all the time and the men wearing skirts and they do it back just that we cannae understand them.

  5. funny Lucy

    cheezy, granted not a good analogy. i expect that most of the scots can at least read, unlike most of the folks that pour across our borders... but then, do you need to read to harvest fruit and veggies?


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  7. You are some sicko!I think you are pretty dumb too! Go read the history of Scotland and England you idiot! By the way.....if you are talking about send us Scots home then I hope you have space for over 400,000 English folk settled in Scotland...after all we need space to give them the homes and jobs of the people up here.We'll leave you with 10% oil,thats the only part of Scotland's oil you own and it was given to you by that twat Blair. The rest is OURS, in case you argue go and find out the facts, all the masses of oil tax revenues will come to Scotland where its always belonged and England will have to find theres elsewhere or buy it from us. Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! I look forward to coming back here after 18th Sept and laughing my head off! Do you realise the massive resources Scotland has over and above the oil. What has England got...City of London where all the money is kept for the greedy sods.Bye bye.....won't miss you!
