FOAB Information

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Prodding Iran

After a decade of military failure in Afghanistan and Iraq, destabilisation of Pakistan and Yemen and slaughter from the skies in Libya, you might hope the US and its friends would have had their fill of invasion and intervention in the Muslim world.
Apparently not because America's best and most out of control friend, Israel, has been stepping up the stealth war against Iran and have been continuing a campaign of assassinations of Iranian scientists, today's assassination being the fifth in the past 2 years.
Iran has pointed the finger at the US and Israel for the murders although Washington deny any involvement, Israel have declined to comment but comes after Israel recently warned Iran 'would undergo more things which take place in an unnatural manner.'
Today's assassination came courtesy of a magnetic bomb attached to the scientists car, a tried and trusted method as it was the same use of magnetic bombs delivered by motorcyclists used in killing the other scientists who worked within the Iranian nuclear facilities.
The latest murder comes at a time of high tension between Iran and the West with the US declaring it will prohibit the global financing of the Iranian oil trade and Iran reacting by threatening to close the strait of Hormuz and cutting off a fifth of the world's oil supply.
Just like with Iraq, we are seeing a ratcheting up of the pressure on Iran and the softening up of public opinion as the threat of another war looms larger despite the case against Iran being so fantastically thin.
There is no evidence that Iran is engaged in a nuclear weapons programme as the US, UK and Israel claim so definitively and the IAEA have once again failed to produce a smoking gun, despite the best efforts of its new director general, Yukiya Amano, who was exposed by Wikileak's as being described by American diplomats as being 'one of us when it comes to Iran'.
The sense of de je vu fills the air. Can it really happen again? Israel, as they have proved in Palestine time and time again, care very little about the civilian deaths they cause, but can America and Britain really be gung ho for a repeat of Iraq or Afghanistan where over a million people were killed for no benefit whatsoever outside of the military suppliers and oil industry?
The propaganda campaign against Iran has now gone so far that even outright murder of Iranian civilians, illegal under international law, is no longer condemned.
The latest Israeli attack is another attempt to provoke Iran until it retaliates which in turn will give warmongering America and its sycophantic British poodle and the vile, murderous Israeli Government the ultimate excuse to send in the troops so if Iran is not building nuclear weapons, it clearly needs to so it can protect its citizens from being wiped off the face of the earth by the usual nations who seem to not be able to satisfy their war lust.


  1. Great post, Lucy.

    Can it happen again, you ask? While Israel and the U.S. exist it can and will.

    P.S. I will no longer respond to Dumb and Dumber!

  2. @David: If by 'respond' you mean 'engage in reasoned debate over the issues' or 'use evidence to back up your assertions', then you never have anyway. So no great loss there.

    Lucy: I'm no fan of the fascist theocracy that rules Iran (their primitive political/legal system resembles Europe in about the 15th century - do we really want people with these medieval beliefs to have nukes?)... But on the other hand, you've correctly identified the west's lack of moral authority over this issue, in that in 2003 they specifically invaded an all-but-powerless sovereign state for the political & economic booty that duly ensued to 'the decider' and his corporate backers...

    Seriously, what did we expect to happen in other parts of the region?

    Also, as you say, there's this disturbing lack of evidence that this nuclear weapons program even exists. The neo-cons were (willingly) conned last time, and the latest IAEA report shows no stronger evidence than the load of shite that was cited against Iraq last time around...

    The saddest thing is that I think we've definitely entered a 'post-diplomacy' stage of history. It's very regrettable, but I think we're going to see an increasing number of breaches of international law and conventional morality in the foreseeable future (including torture, assassinations, detention without trial, etc.). Sad but it might be inevitable, in the world that our idiot leaders have created for us.

  3. Ooops, sorry, broken link.

    This should work.

  4. Sunday Panetta said there is no evidence that Iran is build a nuclear weapon, just a nuclear capability... i thought that was interesting.


  5. cheezy,

    did you hear a little buzzing noise? sounded like a gnat farting... must be my imagination.


  6. You could be right... it was either a flatulent gnat or a comment posted by our old friend, David G... they have about as much content as one another.

  7. That is very interesting Cheezy

    It doesn't get much more clearer than when the U.S. Defense Secretary says 'Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No.'

    It does seem that all the eggs of the West are not being put in the WMD basket this time though, the goading of Iran is growing and when it responds...

  8. of course it can happen again. i hope your question was rhetorical.

    but i think it won't. everybody i know wants our troops back home and have had enough loss the past 10 years. I've known 3 troops from my rural community that were killed, a work associate whose spouse (a CIA agent) was killed, and many dozens that were serioulsy injured, lost limbs, etc. more than enough is enough.

    but, yes. it can happen again.


  9. Yeah, it sure can if the U.S. is involved, Lucy. It lives for war and killing and it is determined to gain control of the whole world.

    Its industries produce horrific weapons of war and its indoctrination system (falsely called Education) programs its cannon fodder. It sells armaments all over the world to keep the wars going. Currently it is provoking Iran to get something started there.

    The U.S. is a rogue nation and it, and its Allies, should be dealt with harshly!

  10. Sounds like David just has 2 or 3 responses regardless of topic.

    Author: Hey, what's better rock-n-roll or rap?
    David: America sucks.

    Author: Do you like ice cream?
    David: America murders.

    Author: What's the weather like?
    David: America sucks.

