FOAB Information

Sunday 12 February 2012

Another Waste

The slow, downward spiral of Whitney Houston will have to go down as one of the greatest tales of how someone took an immense talent and squandered it all away.
If there was ever an advert for steering away from drugs it is Whitney Houston who was arguably one of the greatest female talents of our generation, but drink and drug left her a pathetic, broken and ravaged shell of the woman who had sold over 170 million albums in the 80s and 90s.
It was the millions that came with Houston's success which enabling her to maintain a cocaine habit that led to her shambles of a comeback in 2010 and the jaw dropping appearance on X-Factor where it was proved that the once velvet voice was destroyed and the sight of the shuffling, stuttering woman was painful to those who admired her back in her heyday.
Her fortune went on drink and drugs and the low light came in 2007 with the humiliating auction of her stage outfits as she could no longer afford the storage fees and the repossession of her home.
The now imminent release of her biggest singles and albums will undoubtedly bring her new, younger fans who only knew the drug addled junkie that she became and we have to be careful to get the balance right which is something that never happened with the likes of Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson.
Praise the beautiful voice and immense talent that she was but forever link it with the drug-riddled, self-obsessed lifestyle which resulted in her premature death.
Don't make her into some sort of role model who lost her brave battle with her demons, call her what she was, a crackhead that died penniless in a hotel room and use it as a lesson to show that no matter who or what you are, drugs will destroy you.


  1. she wasted wome of her talent. she didn't waste it all or we wouldn't know about her in the first place.

    the problem is capitalism. if singers didn't make millions they couldn't affort to buy the drugs.


  2. What i mean is a career that spanned 25 years, she was only at her very best for around half of them, the rest was her being stoned and drunk.

  3. I couldn't stand her voice... all that warbling up and down and showing how many octaves she had... I couldn't hear any real personality amongst all that technique...

    And every X-Factor wannabe seems to want to sing like this... painful stuff...

    I'm sure this doesn't qualify as 'speaking ill of the dead', as what does one person's opinion about music matter anyway?.. and I agree that it's sad that she couldn't find much happiness in her life and all of that...

  4. Sounds to me like a group of squawking vultures gathering around the corpse of an immensely talented but flawed human being.

    Judge not that ye be not judged!

  5. david g,

    you should know.


  6. Wasn't Whitney an American though? In that case I guess she must have been an indoctrinated Fox-watching psychopath who liked killing people and who wanted nothing less than full-spectrum domination of the globe... or something like that...

  7. Dumber and Dumber get more so each day.

    Are they incapable of putting forward a single intelligent idea, something that shows they have some brain cells?

    Perhaps if they put their brains together they, cancel that!

    They'd still only have half a brain.

  8. meaningless words from your mouth david g. hypocite.

