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Saturday 11 February 2012

Hating Liverpool FC

I don't have much love for Liverpool Football Club and dislike them even less after today because they are responsible for me cheering for a Manchester United victory. Scouse b******d's!!!
The reason for my unprecedented support for the reds of Manchester was the behaviour of the racist Liverpool striker Luis Suarez and his manager, Kenny Dalglish, bizarrely whining over how they are actually the victims of Suarez racially abusing the black Manchester left back.
Kenny Dalglish may have been a great player but he has had a nightmare couple of months ever since Suarez decided to 'use insulting words about the colour of defender Patrice Evra' in a match at the end of last year.
First the t-shirts supporting Suarez then the statement that they were 'disappointed with the extraordinary decision' to find Suarez guily of racial abuse, even though the Uruguayan admitted he had directed it at Evra ten times during the match.
Then Kenny Dalglish, a miserable bugger at the best of times, moaned that Suarez should never had been banned in the first place when he came back after his 8 match ban and now continuing to support Suarez over his refusal to shake hands with Evra before the league game today.
Liverpool FC and it's supporters do like to cry that it is always someone else's fault when things go wrong rather than just hold their hands up and say sorry.
Suarez had never apologised for being a racist, Dalglish has not apologised for supporting a racist, the team has offered no apology for supporting a racist and neither has whoever runs the show at Liverpool FC now for condoning all of the above.
Finally, there should be a public statement apologising to the many people like me who found themselves in the uncomfortable position of wanting to see a Manchester United win. Again, i repeat, Scouse B******ds!!!


  1. i hate liver too! nothing can make it taste good...


  2. I'm one of those tortured souls that you mention, who felt compelled to cheer for the scum on Saturday... Tragic, but it had to be done.

    Kenny's only got himself to blame about this. With those ludicrous t-shirts, and telling everyone that Suarez had 'done nothing wrong'... What did he expect other than he would proceed to act like he'd done nothing wrong. Which was also completely inappropriate and embarrassing, but what did they expect? He's a child, and children need to be told when they've done wrong and disciplined accordingly.

    Liverpool knew this guy was a cheat when they signed him though. He may have played well during the World Cup but he also dived like a seal and deliberately handled the ball off the line vs Ghana. And then celebrated the success of his cheat like a boorish idiot... (which reminded me of how Ireland got knocked out of the World Cup but that's another story)...

    PS: Q - You obviously haven't tried my panfried calves liver with bacon and balsamic onions. It's a flavour explosion.

  3. whoa,

    even 4 of life's 5 best flavors (bacon, butter, garlic, and onions) can't bury the nasty flavor of liver... it is grusome to me. I literally like ALL foods except organ meats (I don't care what the creature is, and I don't care what the organ is). Unless, they are in the form of a "hot dog"... then I'll eat 'em.

