FOAB Information

Friday 27 April 2012

Communism Through Climate Change

There is a posting on the Sky News website regarding Britain sending a spacecraft to the Sun to study it and see what we can learn about how it affects us here on earth and two things made me angry.
The first was amount of commenter's who used the joke about sending it at night to make the line unusable here now and the miserable ones who complained that the £248m that the European Space Agency has coughed up to Britain to build the spacecraft is an obscene use of money in these austere times.
If i had an account with Sky i would have made the point that as we will probably have to leave this planet at some point after we have poisoned it enough so human life is no longer sustainable, that we should find out all we can about our solar system but i never, i wrote it here instead.
Now i imagine that some of the whiny Sky News posters objecting to us researching the Star that gives us life are climate change deniers and it seems that most climate change deniers are also right wing because climate change denial does seem to have become a right wing thing.
To that affect, environmentalism seems to have become associated with left wing thinking and that has led to some American deniers leaping to what they believe is a death knell to Environmentalism, linking anyone who believes the overwhelming evidence that the climate is changing with Communism.
The thinking seems to go that Environmentalism is a left wing cause and the left wing is made up of Marxists wanting to share everything and bring down Capitalism and that my sensible shoe wearing patriotic Americans is Communism.
Now i can't speak for all the tree hugging hippies out there but when i hear about desertification, floods, draughts and extreme weather patterns, my first thought is not how can we use this to bring down TSB Lloyds, it's how we really need to get a grip on this changing climate that is devastating our planet and killing tens of thousands every year.
The useful idiots of the oil companies on the right still seem to stick to the dunderheaded notion that the thousands of climate scientists with their overwhelming stack of evidence are all wrong and this latest ruse to link in their minds wanting to save the planet with the days of the USSR will probably rattle around quite well inside their heads.
Living in a clean, unpolluted World should not be turned into a political tug of war, it is far too important and if what it takes is to shave the rough edges off the Capitalist system, then it is an added bonus but it is not the aim.
Besides, us on the left have the Anarchists, Anti-Capitalists, Trotskyists and the head Communist Obama poised to bring down Capitalism anyway. Get that red flag ready comrades!


  1. This was funny and truthful. Since we care about the environment we are Communists trying to take over the world, when it is the right wingers who are making the problem worse due to the activities of certain oil companies. I guess I never thought about it being compared to Communism, but it does make a lot of sense. Time to revive the USSR! Gotta go get my red flag ready! lol

  2. Just the latest attempt to discredit environmentalism because wanting to save the forests is evil.

  3. I know EJ, i had to put down my copy of the Communist Manifesto and almost spilt the coffee from my Che Guevara mug down my 'I Love Stalin' T-shirt when i heard about it. Communist indeed.

    They keep trying Anon and a little something like the evidence being right in front of their eyes won't stop them.

  4. lucy, call it what ever you want. it just seems to me that all of your ideals involve more government. that means more regulation, and more restrictions on my way of living. more government always means more taxes too. that means the work i do to earn money goes to others instead of me. call it what you want. you fear what will happen to people in 100 years. i fear what people like you will do to me in my mine lifetime.


  5. I don't know if we have ever had the big v small Government debate, maybe a dual posting? We can see today what people who think like you have done q and it ends in riots and baton charging policemen. You fancy the idea of a dual posting about why a big/small Government is preferable?

  6. hmmm, sounds like a trap. plus you'll have david g on your side...

    why don't you just tell us all the reaons why we need the screwed up divorced, broke, obese, addicted, uneducated majority to tell us what we can and can't do in our lives enforced by the strong arm of the government.

    i'll make snarky remarks.


  7. I just thought that you might want to put the counter argument rather than just pull my side of things apart but i am happy either way. That said, i do like a dual posting, it forces me to up my game.
