FOAB Information

Sunday 29 April 2012

Tough At The Top

Evening all. So how's Britain in 2012 shaping up for you so far?
Yes it's tough while unemployment is closing in on 3 million and food prices are up and wages are stalled but as the Prime Minister explained a while back, we are all in this together which is reassuring to know.
So why you are worrying about your job or getting a job or how you are going to pay the gas, electric, television, water or rent, be assured that the people at the top are feeling the pinch also, hence the reduction in the top rate of tax to help them.
Take Lakshmi Mittal who sits on top of the Times Rich List today, the richest man in Britain lost £4.8bn last year and now only has a personal fortune of £12.7bn. He may well have to put off buying that private island he had his eye on now.
Interestingly, the list shows that Britain's 1000 wealthiest people saw their fortunes rise to record levels last year, swelling by 5% to more than £414bn, the highest ever recorded by the 24-year-old survey.
There, don't you feel better now knowing that even during a double dip recession, the rich have got even richer. No? Didn't think so.

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