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Thursday 14 June 2012

Don't Care

I suppose i had better write some Olympic posts as it's coming up soon but, in all honestly, i don't really care much for it. Maybe that isn't fair, it's not that i don't care about the Olympics, i love watching it, i just get sick of people trying to tell me to be excited that it is here in England despite me telling them repeatedly that I don't care where it is and i would watch it wherever it was held.
So the Government is now expecting us to give it a big pat on the back because it is coming in under budget, almost half a million less than the £9 billion they expected to spend on it. £9 billion!!
Thing is though, there are those of us who remember being told that we could do it for £2 billion so to us the whole thing is £7 billion OVER budget but i don't think we are supposed to remember that, just wave our little Union Flags and cheer a lot.
The other Olympic story is the details of the opening ceremony have been released.
It's a scene of rural England with a village cricket team, farms, maypoles with children dancing around them, real clouds that would supply 'rain' and Paul McCartney and The Who are to be thrown in amongst it somewhere.
A spokesman for London 2012 said that the three-hour opening ceremony....three hours...and that were i lost the will to care again.

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