FOAB Information

Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Obvious Solution To Gay Marriage

While the Bible does address the Big Man's view on homosexuality, it does not explicitly mention gay marriage but it is clear that God doesn't like homosexuals. To make it clear, Leviticus 20:13 states: 'If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives'.
There, that's as plain as the strange lump in the front of the vicars dress at choir practice, God wants to kill all the gays but the Church of England has to be a bit more subtle when it condemns gay marriage, bit of a public relationships disaster for their loving and caring God to be shown as a bigoted homophobe, so they say it isn't 'legal'.
Under the law, anyone who is resident in England has a legal right to marry in his or her Church of England church irrespective of religious affiliation and the minister of the parish is under a legal duty to conduct the marriage but, and here Church's wiggle room, marriage is defined as between a man and a woman.
A CoE spokesman explained that 'In every marriage service the priest begins the service by spelling out what marriage is - a union between one man and one woman with the intention of it being lifelong'.
Lifelong says the spokesman of a church that was established to permit divorce and whose founder was married six times. Ooops, they might want to rethink that line of argument.
Although i have never read the thing, my understanding is that the Bible is divided into two major sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament with the second being written because the God of the the first was a violent nasty piece of work smiting all over the place while the God of the New Testament is a merciful, caring and loving Deity.
Easy solution is get the Pope or whoever is responsible for these things, to write a third testament, one where God is less willing to put to death certain parts of society. Everyone is a winner, gays can be married, religious bigots will be able to stop hating people who are different to them, the religio's still get to believe in their mythical man in the clouds and the men wearing dresses and funny hats get to not look like such idiots with old fashioned views that should have died out with giving kids a broom and shoving them up chimneys. Simples.


  1. "There, that's as plain as the strange lump in the front of the vicars dress at choir practice"

    Naughty! (but funny)

  2. To me, the obvious solution is, and always has been, for government to get out of the business of defining marriage at all.

    People aught to be able to enter into contracts with anyone that provide for all the legal rights/obligations that go with marriage. Then, if they think gay marriage is bad they can go get married in a church that doesn't recognize gay marriage, or if they think it's fine they can go to a church that permits it, or they can go to no church at all and just go around calling themselves married for all I care.

    Ultimately, it's just a word, and it the government should have nothing to do with defining it, establishing it, or ordaining it.
