FOAB Information

Friday 24 August 2012

Beating The War Drum

Not having a war for about 12 months now, Israel is getting itchy feet so right on cue, it is threatening to blow up parts of Iran again and with its arm supplier, America, not keen they seem to be gambling on just doing it anyway and hoping that with an election looming and with American politicians bizarrely having to promise to protect another country in order to get elected in their own, the American military will have to swing into action with it.
The soon to be presented pictures of dead Iranians is all over the West demanding Iran stop developing weapons of mass destruction and Iran saying they aren't. Sound familiar?
Ironically, it seems the only way Iran can stop having its population reduced courtesy of Israel and America warmongers plc is by developing nuclear weapons and threatening to use them just like the North Koreans who just point to their stockpile of big missiles whenever anyone gets a bit uppity with it.
It seems that the politics surrounding nuclear weapons is rather confusing. During the Cold War we were told the world was being kept safe by such weaponry, as the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction prevented either side from going to war. With this logic the United Nations should be shovelling nuclear weapons towards Tehran.
The other complication is the rule regarding who's allowed to have them. Take America and Iran. Iran is run by a mad-man who fiddled his election, prayed for holy guidance and lied about the existence of weapons of mass destruction while under George W Bush, America was run by a mad-man who fiddled his election, prayed for holy guidance and lied about the existence of weapons of mass destruction.
With no proof that Iran is building a nuclear capability, Israel seem to be gearing up for another war to add to their impressive port folio of wars with their neighbours and America will be dragged in with the Uk probably carrying Americas bags.


  1. Lucy, I don't think most people realize, thanks to Israel, how close we are to WW3 and a nuclear holocaust.

    At least Australia is a long way away from it although every living human and thing will get a dose or two of radiation.

    It seems ironic that a rogue nation that has less than 1% of the world's people will cause the end of the world.

    That's religion for you!

  2. Iran has the potential to spark a massive conflict, especially if China & Russia get involved as they have in Syria. There are some very powerful countries being lined up behind each other here and America will always back Israel but if one of the other big guns decide to back Iran, it's going to get very bumpy.
