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Friday 24 August 2012

Waiting For God

When i was a kid i worked out that as i lay in bed in the dark, if i squinted my eyes just the right amount the outline of the pile of clothes on the dresser would sort of look like a demon who was just waiting for me to fall asleep so it could eat my innards, so i would get my sister to move them and i would go to sleep feeling safe that i would wake up with all innards in their rightful place.
I assume the same sort of thing goes through the mind of people who see the outline of Jesus's face on bits of toast or in the grain of doors and take it as some sort of divine sign from God as if God is saying 'I need to prove my existence so what better than to put my face on a cubicle door in the toilet of the Glasgow branch of Ikea'.
So if their is a God, why doesn't he just leave some proper evidence instead of a few obscure clues?
For whatever reason, probably explained in the Bible somewhere, he had a flurry of activity 2012 years ago or such which included impregnanting teenagers, setting fire to bushes, parting the seas and issuing tablets of stone but nothing since except an occasional appearance as a smudge on someones toast.
If he just put in an appearance it would put an end to all smug atheists like me and people of faith who are expected to answer the difficult questions about wars or tsunami's that kill tens of thousands.
I don't know what happened all those years ago to make God feel he needed to put in an appearance to make us make us daft humans believe in him but whatever it was, it must be time for a reminder because more and more people are realising that like me with my pile of clothes, it was all in our minds and there was nothing there all along.


  1. Lucy, imagine the profound irony if Israel drags the world into a nuclear holocaust because its people want to go to some mythical paradise where only they are welcome.

    Religion is a curse but it seems we are genetically predisposed to fall for it.

    Of course, there are smart people like you and I who avoided its clutches and crutches but, sadly, we are in the minority.

  2. Religion and power are a bad mix, so many wars and conflicts throughout history in the name of one God or another. I'd like to think that slowly we are leaving religion behind with each generation and one day it will be a fringe belief like fairies or the loch ness monster.
