FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Booing Gideon

My new favourite highlight of the Paralympics came yesterday when the crowd at the Paralympics booed Chancellor George Osborne as it was announced he was to present the winners of the men's T38 400m race with their medals.
Gideon even laughed at first but looked very uncomfortable as it continued but what a bad choice of medal presenter, the man who has been merrily cutting the benefits of the disabled and to even have the brass neck to turn up in the first place, he must have had an inkling that he wouldn't be a popular choice.
Did make me laugh though, a priceless moment.


  1. And did you hear the huge cheers for Gordon Brown? He must have been thinking 'where were you f@ckers during the election?'...

  2. I didn't at the time but did read that he got a loud cheer. I bet he was mumbling something like that under his breath. I also read that Gideon was meant to have presented another medal but 'declined'.
