FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Cabinet Reshuffle

The cabinet has been shuffled and let's see who has landed where.
David Laws is in as Education Minister after an enforced absence from front-line politics after standing down as Chief Secretary to the Treasury, a post he held for just 17 days, after he was exposed of a 'serious breaches of the rules' by claiming £56,000 for rent he wasn't entitled to and paid to his partner, James Lundie.
Jeremy Hunt will take over as Health Secretary from Andrew Lansley, and will now oversee the implementation of the Health and Care Act which should make for some interesting meetings considering he put his name as co-author to a book called Direct Democracy, that argued that the NHS was no longer relevant and should be dismantled. His co-author was Daniel Hannan who sparked outrage when he went onto American Television and called the NHS 'A 60 year mistake'. Hunt also tried to remove the NHS tribute from Danny Boyle's Olympics opening ceremony so the NHS sounds in a safe pair of hands there then.
Chris Grayling has moved from Employment minister to Justice Secretary and we can expect good things from him, especially with his homophobic ranting that Christian owners of bed and breakfasts should be allowed to prevent gay couples from staying in their homes.
The new Environment Secretary is Owen Paterson who's green credentials include supporting fracking and opposing wind farms.
All the top members in the big jobs stayed the same and Gideon remains in charge of the countries finances after doing such a fine job of managing them so far.
If the Labour Party and Ed Milliband cannot make political capital with this bunch of cheats, liars and shysters sitting opposite them, then they don't deserve to take over at all.


  1. As usual, it's promotion for the talentless sychophants and line-towers who won't 'rock the boat'; demotion for people who actually speak their mind e.g. Ken Clarke. It's also fair to say that Labour did this sort of thing all the time with their own reshuffles.

    My favourite little 'factoid' about Jeremy Hunt is that he's a fan of homeopathy! Great, someone who believes in the power of magic water is now running the NHS!

  2. I always thought of Ken Clark as one of the 'better' Tories until the prison call centre thing.
