FOAB Information

Friday 7 September 2012

Otters To The Rescue

I knew if we waited long enough science would provide the answer to the rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that drive Global Warming and the Eureka moment has arrived courtesy of the University of Santa Cruz.
The answer is set out in a paper released called Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment by professors Chris Wilmers and James Estes who have been looking back at the records over 40 years and concluded that the thing that could stop global warming and save us all are otters.
Here comes the science bit.
Kelp, a form of seaweed in the Oceans, absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but sea urchins eat the kelp in large quantities but otters eat the sea urchins so in otter rich environments, the sea urchins have the good sense to stay out their way and the kelp thrives and sucks in that nasty CO2 stuff.
They found that otters 'have a strong influence' on the cycle of CO2 storage and 'comparing kelp density with otters and kelp density without otters, we found that sea otters have a positive affect on kelp biomass by preying on sea urchins, a kelp grazer. When otters are around, sea urchins hide in crevices and eat kelp scraps. With no otters around, sea urchins graze voraciously on living kelp. Kelp is particularly efficient at sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis'.
So forget solar panels and wind turbines, the way to save us all is to look after the otter, our new favourite furry thing but i wouldn't give one a cuddle, it will rip your face off. Cute though.

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