FOAB Information

Sunday 21 October 2012

Carry On Scotland

I have always been of the view that if Scotland wanted it's independence then we should let it go. Not out of some romantic view of a country trying to free itself from under the shadow of a stronger, more powerful neighbour, but because Scotland doesn't actually bring anything to the United Kingdom table which benefits us.
I was quite happily getting ready to wave the Jocks goodbye and then Alex Salmond said something that stopped me in my tracks and got me rethinking the whole 'Quick, before they change their minds' idea.  
First minister Alex Salmond has said that if Scotland was to gain its independence, we couldn't keep our nuclear weapons there.
Being the kind and caring people that we are, England keeps all its most dangerous weapons in another country, that country being Scotland and if Scotland goes it's own way, England will have to keep all our weapons of mass destruction in our own country.
Hmmm. Was a tough choice between keeping Scotland and having somewhere to store all our dangerous weapons or let them go and have to find somewhere here to stash them and then i realised that we still have Northern Ireland and Wales just sitting there. Sorted.


  1. Great, another defense freeloader. It's funny how all of these piddly little nations that pop up are always so big on being "nuclear free," "peaceful," and so forth. Of course what they really mean is that they want to be "defended entirely by the American taxpayer." Just what we need, another nation that is defended almost entirely by American blood and treasure that is full of folks who constantly complain about our foreign policy.

    I say if the Scots break off from y'all and don't pick up their own defense slack that we Americans insist on an annual tribute. Of course we won't, and the Scots will start whining about our foreign policies, we will have all the more reason to hold their "armchair quarterbacking" views with scorn and contempt, and the world will keep on spinning.


  2. "we still have Northern Ireland and Wales just sitting there"

    I think we should keep all our most dangerous gear in hideous new-towns like Reading, Stevenage, Chatham, Redhill etc... and then we could 'forget' to lock them up properly at night.

  3. Once they get their independence nog the Scottish defence budget will be about 13p and will be men firing elastic bands at the enemy.

    Good idea Cheezy, we could solve the problem of where to store our nukes and Bradford in one go.

  4. what about 007...


  5. What an ignorant bunch of wankers you all are. OP you really are stupid aren't you! You say we SCots don't bring anything to the table.....I beg to differ, unless you hadn't realised,95% of the oil is Scotland's. Thats just one of the many contributions we have brought to the table and will gain back after Independence..lets see how snotty you are then when London does not get that mass amount of oil tax revenues but Scotland does. England will really know then what Scotland brought to the table. As for Trident.its a bloody American thing and the Yanks can go take a jump with Trident, At least 70% Scots want rid of it. You English can get it!:)
