FOAB Information

Saturday 20 October 2012

More Proof That Mobile Phones Are Dangerous?

The debate over the cancer risks from mobile phone radiation has been going on for years but the lack of any conclusive proof has stopped anyone in authority coming out and saying mobiles give you cancer, all they do is just hint at it.
The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and the International Agency for Research on Cancer say that mobiles are 'probably carcinogenic' and the Department of Health say that there are potential, but not proven, long term health risks. The World Health Organisation issued a report admitting mobiles phones are 'possibly carcinogenic to humans' and even the instructions that comes with new phones advises users to use hands-free operation when possible and keep the device away from the body and reduce the amount of time spent on calls.
Of course the phone companies will not come out themselves and admit it, they would be condemning themselves to a deluge of lawsuits if they admitted that their products gave its users cancer but the weight of scientific evidence is building up against them.
The Italian Supreme Court has ruled that Mr Innocente Marcolini's mobile phone was responsible for a brain tumour that left his face partially paralysed.
Marcolini’s tumour was located on the nerve where his cellphone touched his head and the professor of environmental mutagenesis Angelo Gino Levis, who gave evidence during the court hearing, said of the ruling that 'finally a correlation has been officially recognised between electromagnetic waves and development of tumours in spite of the anti-alarmist propaganda and research financed by mobile phone manufacturers. After working on several case studies, the relationship between the use of mobile phones and the increased risk of brain tumours is proven'.
Scary stuff and a 2008 study presented to the US Senate in 2008 by Dr. Siegal Sadetzki identified that your chances of developing a tumour on the same side of your head that you use for listening to the mobile phone increases by 34% after 5 years of mobile use.
As most of us got our first mobile phones in the mid 90s, that's almost 20 years of use so if there is an increase in these cases of tumour's and cancers then the phone manufacturers could be facing the same legal fate as the tobacco and asbestos manufacturers who refused to admit that their products were unsafe until the evidence was overwhelming but came too late for many.


  1. hmmm, more correlation instead of causation...


  2. all the conflicting data on this is sounding like global warming... except it can be controlled without taking the world back into the dark ages unlike most of the solutions suggested for global warming.

