FOAB Information

Friday 19 October 2012

Osborne The Parasitic Scourge

London Mayor and Conservative Party member Boris Johnson called fare dodgers a parasitic scourge last year as figures showed fare-dodging cost the travel companies £75 million a year. Then this happened.

The chancellor, George Osborne, tried to sit in first class on board a Virgin train despite only having paid for a standard ticket.
An eyewitness, who just happened to be a broadcast journalist, said that an aide for Osborne had approached a ticket inspector and informed him that he was travelling with George Osbourne and he had a standard ticket but can he remain in first class. The inspector re[plied that he couldn't.
The aide pleaded that Osborne couldn't possibly sit in standard class. The inspector stuck to his guns and said that if he wanted to stay in first class then it would cost him £160. The aide said he couldn't pay and he couldn't really sit in standard class.
The guard refused to budge and went on gathering tickets until the aide came back with the £160, the price of the first class ticket.
I am sure that Gideon did consider using the famous 'Do you know who i am?' phrase but probably thought better of it in case they did and he would not only be sitting with the plebs in standard class but be sporting a shiner and a bloody nose as well.   
Parasitic scourge indeed.


  1. This is even worse than calling a police officer a pleb. How can you be an aristocrat if you can't afford your own train fare?

  2. Oh, he can afford it alright...
