FOAB Information

Saturday 3 November 2012

End Of The World 2012: Option Two

Boy will my face be red this Christmas when my family discover i haven't got them any Christmas presents which is why i am banking on the Mayans being right and Bolon Yokte is going to turn up and bring the end of civilisation as we know it.
Of course there is always the outside chance that an ancient Mayan God won't descend to Earth to wipe us out with great vengeance and furious anger so my  back up to avoiding that awkward explanation to Uncle Ernie after the Queen's Speech that i didn't get him a bottle of Whiskey this year as i presumed we would all be dead is The Web Bot Project which also says that we won't be here for turkey and brussel sprouts this year.
It is predicting a cataclysmic event that will devastate the planet in December, probably a reversing of Earth's magnetic poles. Phew, I may have dodged the bullet there then. 
The Web Bot Project, refers to a computer program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords on the Internet and claims to have predicted several events prior to them occurring, most notably the September 11 attacks, the Northeastern United States blackout, the Colombia Space Shuttle disaster, the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and even Dick Cheney blasting his friend in the face while out hunting so it has some decent form.
So if the magnetic fields are going to reverse in mid-December, what should we expect as a way of going to meet our maker en mass?
Just like any child of Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, it was never going to be pretty but the university of North Carolina physics department has a handy online guide to effects of Geomagnetic Reversal on humans and it seems we will go due to deadly cosmic rays killing most, if not all, living creatures on the Earth's surface. Only those living in deep caves would be safe.
It also notes that recently it was noticed that the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field has declined by about 10% over the course of the 160 years that records have been kept.
On the bright side disruption of Earth’s magnetic field would also result in auroras being visible over much of the planet rather than just at the poles as they are now so that's a bonus, a nice view as our innards fry in unmentionable agony as well as not having to suffer the embarrassment of having to ask the shop assistant in the record shop if they have a copy of 'The Greatest Hits of Phil Collins' that Auntie Gladys had been hinting at.

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