FOAB Information

Monday 5 November 2012

Ethical Foreign Policy

The one thing the tinderbox that is the Middle East needs is more weapons so as luck would have it, David Cameron has rocked up peddling just that.
Now the Arab political protesters can have holes blown in them by the best of British but it comes with a warning from Cameron that  he would not shy away from raising concerns about human rights. Or he will once there is a break in the crushing of human rights in these places.
'We have one of the strictest regimes anywhere in the world for sales of defence equipment but we do believe that countries have a right to self-defence and we do believe that Britain has important defence industries that employ over 300,000 people so that sort of business is completely legitimate and right' he whined trying to get his ridiculous defence in before the protests of him whoring himself across the one place where Democracy is frowned upon and any dissension is met with military force.
It should be to his shame that when our Prime Minister is off around the globe to promote British industry, the one he chooses is is the one which deals in large scale death and destruction.
Oh when will we get a Prime Minister who isn't an utter tosser?

1 comment:

  1. Since the U.K. threw in its lot with the U.S., Britain has gone downhill.

    Mind you, it didn't have far to go.

    As a once powerful Empire, Britain is a whore of America, a pallid reflection.

    Australia was never even a whore! It has always been a timid follower, a nation unsure of itself, of its place in the world.

    Britain has no pride, none of its previous qualities (assuming it ever had any).

    It is as brutal as America is, two barbarian nations locked in a sick embrace!
