FOAB Information

Monday 5 November 2012

Obama Wins It!

If you listen to the mainstream media then they are predicting a close fight between Obama and Romney for which one will take the keys to the White House.
The BBC is calling it a cliffhanger and say that it is too close to call but anyone who is afraid that we will wake up Wednesday morning and find the mad Mormon in charge of the World's best equipped military need not worry, because Obama has it in the bag.
Google Trends has a perfect record of predicting the main election results this year and unless pictures of Obama eating puppies are discovered overnight, the man who is not quite as bad as the other one will be sitting his backside in the Oval Office for another four years.
Google are saying that it isn't even as close as they want us to believe, there is clear water between Obama and the challenger.
Hopefully, free from the shackles of having to be re-elected, Obama can now make up for his disappointing last term and do some good around the World by smacking down Israel, scaling back on the dreadful drone attacks, closing Guantanamo Bay like he promised four years ago and tackling the amount of pollution his country pumps into the atmosphere.   
On top of that he could really push that Socialist agenda that he has kept well hidden and ban Americans from owning guns just like the NRA say.
Well done Obama, now don't waste it and do something with it so we don't all think you were a waste of space for eight years instead of just four. 


  1. lucy,

    a website for you...


  2. Obama will continue to disappoint, Lucy. He was a liar from the beginning and has spent his first four years carrying out the instructions of the rich and powerful.

    To think he would do any different in the second four years is wishful thinking. Besides, he has the speaking tours to think of, books to write, conferences to address, admiring women to entertain.

    Obama is like most of his predecessors: a psychopath and a crook!

    But don't worry. We'll have nuclear war soon.

  3. As disappointing as parts of the Obama first term have been, if I were a voter in the States right now I think I'd be swung by the fact that one candidate is simply more rational & scientific than the other (who is frankly a bit weird), as outlined here.

    That's before we even get into the fact that Mitt's economic policy, in as much as he appears to have one, seems to resemble the smirking frat-boy's agenda (00-08), which proved to be such a total, global, clusterf&ck.

  4. Many of the things advocated here and by the democrat party are great for people that have adequate self-discipline. It should be obvious that most people, regardless of race, gender or nationality do not have adequate self-discipline. In my life time it has been easy to have a good life in the USA, on the other hand i find myself dealing with more and more people that have taken freedom and messed up their lives (drug issues, alcohol issues, lack of employable skills, messed up relationships, emotional issues, health issues). These problems are not new but are now much more abundant in the USA.

    I'll vote for Romney as a last act of desperation to delay the inevitable, agonizingly slow, multi-decade decline of the USA. It should now be obvious that circa 1960 the societal changes we made were not the changes, as a nation, needed for success 2030 and beyond. Social security, medicare, and welfare did not solve problems - just transferred the problems and the economic costs to another generation. That has now crippled our nation in many ways – obviously economically. The worst impact is that half of our nation are now consumers without being contributors. These people won’t go away and we can’t ship them to a remote island. They will have children, but won’t be able to impart self-discipline – how can they offer something they don’t have...

    Alas, the best I can do is delay further collapse, and teach my children how to read society and maximize success in the prevailing conditions...


  5. this is bitter, but i feel like 52% of americans just voted to give themselves a gift, and they voted for the other 48% to pay for it.

    oh well. they say tis better to give than receive...


  6. It's always a dangerous practice, to try and sum up something as complex as voting behaviour in just a sentence or two, particularly in an effective two-horse race... For a start, it's perfectly possible that a huge number of people don't much like Obama, they just dislike Romney that little bit more. But there's a thousand other things you could say motivated the voters, rather than simply conclude that a whole bunch of people want something for nothing.

  7. Well,

    Come on, broad sweeping statements are the milieu of the blogosphere.

    Here’s a little bitter poem...

    I’m supposed to be working for my family not for others;
    how am I responsible for the unwed mothers;
    They have irresponsible sex and need a cure,
    so they demand I pay for their procedure.

    Maybe I had an edge in the battle of the sexes,
    but the fed killed that with quotas and taxes;
    I love my daughters, but the dems say with venom,
    I’m part of a war on all women.

    What happened to Latinos and Blacks is wrong,
    LBJ’s programs will make them strong;
    it’s not working, well then we need more,
    you filthy rich, we’ll take your store.

    I’m supposed to be working for my family not for others;
    I’ll tough it out if I have my druthers...

    Econs say incentives work and there’s no free lunches,
    democrats say bull and my hunch is;
    they will raise my taxes bunches,
    to encourage illegal aliens with free lunches.

    They say it’s not your fault – all you needy,
    rich white men put you down – cause they’re all greedy;
    so for that we’ll do something – speedy,
    we’ll tax them more – oh yes indeedy.

    They tell government workers it’s unfair,
    the rich use your bridge to nowhere;
    Teachers say we taught you to think,
    democrats say tax them more, with a wink;
    Raise those taxes even if they sink,
    we need more, do it in a blink!

    I’m supposed to be working for my family, not for others;
    the dems are, a bunch of muthers...


  8. what, nobody likes my poem. how about if i do hicue?


  9. haiku 5-7-5

    Freedom from the king;

    greed, sloth, gluttony, pride, growth;

    return of the king.


  10. I thought your poetry was great,
    A piece worthy of Keats you did create,
    The words were elegant and the sentiment hefty,
    Are you sure your not really a lefty?

  11. that sounds patronizing...

