FOAB Information

Friday 23 November 2012

It's Called What?

When the protests erupted in Burma in 2007, i remember a bit of a spat developing between bloggers who called it Burma and those who insisted on calling the country Myanmar.
Seems in the United States and UK it is Burma as they do not recognise the junta who overthrew the Government in the 80s and changed its name to Myanmar so not to lend any legitimacy to the usurpers, they carried on calling it Burma. 
To add to the confusion of what to call where, the Mexican President wants to rename Mexico as Mexico.  
The country's formal name is the United Mexican States, but President Felipe Calderon wants to make it simply Mexico which i venture, is what everybody thought it was called anyway until he piped up.
It might save on ink and reduce the cost of sign making which might trigger changes in the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, or Bolivia and Luxembourg as anyone without a copy of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names handy calls them.
To confuse things even further, Greece isn't even called Greece, but saying beware Hellenic Republicans bearing gifts isn't quite so snappy and i don't know how Uruguay got the official name Oriental Republic of Uruguay but they might want to have a words with the Mexicans about simplifying it.

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