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Friday 23 November 2012

Merry Christmas, I Don't Want To Fight Tonight

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in all things Christmas that we forget the real reason behind Christmas, the birth of Santa Claus.
Though the vast majority of us will spend the day eating, drinking and sleeping through the Queen's speech, some couples will be having a less then merry time according to the divorce industry.
A survey by and the Family Mediation Helpline found that 1.8 million couples will have contemplated divorcing their partner during the Christmas period which translates into some very long queues outside the offices of divorce lawyers in the New Year.
Unfortunately, Christmas in the midst of a recession can only add to tensions and another survey found relationship counseling had risen during the economic downturn which all must make Baby Santa very sad indeed.
Relationship counsellors, Relate, commented: 'It’s a really sad fact that we see a huge surge of calls for help during and after the festive season. This year, all we want is for families to enjoy a happier and more peaceful Christmas.'
The most common problems for festive fireworks over the plum duff were identified as personality clashes (14%) and not agreeing on what to do (10%) but Relate do offer some advice on how to get through Christmas with your partner, recommending that we do as much planning and organising before the festive day and remembering that alcohol has a way of making tongues loose and problems larger if an argument does erupt.
This Christmas let's have less Wham 'Last Christmas' and more Ramones 'Merry Christmas, I Don't Want To Fight Tonight' because as Joey tell us 'Cause Christmas ain't the time for breaking each other's heart'.


  1. you are a clever little clover...


  2. Don't know what that means so either, shucks, thanks q or i've never been so insulted in all my life..delete as applicable.

  3. the birth of santa is quite clever because that is what it has become...

    it kinda seems ironic that the left wants to kill christianity (at least in the USA) yet they bemoan the changes that have come with it... at least as many left gripe about the commercialization of christmas as the right... maybe more.

    it used to be about jesus, not it is about santa...


  4. I don't know if the left want to kill Christianity in the US, i will take your word on that, but then religion is more of a big thing over there whereas it's kind of ignored here.

    It is all about Santa and Rudolph and snowmen now though i agree.

  5. At least as many left gripe about the commercialization of christmas as the right.
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