FOAB Information

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Here Comes The Sun

Since i sat here at this time yesterday, the World has spun silently once again on it's axis, the moon has risen majestically in a starless sky before dipping unnoticed below the never changing horizon and i have slept, laughed and sang. Oh how we sang with abandoned as if the madness in the World never existed. 
The Sun rose in a blaze of magnificent colour, the celestial life bringer once again taking up that eternal battle with the English winter, teasing and hinting at a promise of better days ahead before the menacing and rain laden clouds chase it away, tracing the same route below the horizon as its lunar partner in the heavens, gone for another day to lighten and warm a far distant part of the Earth.
Where it went was Australia and strewth did it shine down there, so much so that the Aussies Bureau of Meteorology have had to increase its scale from 52C to 54C to reflect the extreme highs forecast for this week.
Head of climate monitoring and prediction David Jones said 'The scale has just been increased today and I would anticipate it is because the forecast coming from the bureau's model is showing temperatures in excess of 50 degrees'.
As someone who wilts when the mercury heads anywhere near 80F, i can only imagine what it is like when it hovers around 122F so where i don't generally have much sympathy for the Aussies, i do feel for them during this heatwave.
"Whilst you would not put any one event down to climate change' said the Welsh lady the Australians have got running their country 'we do know over time that as a result of climate change we are going to see more extreme weather events and conditions'.
As 2012 broke all sort of weather records everywhere, Mother Nature is starting 2013 as if it means to continue the trend of baking, flooding and blowing down the house of the humans, condemning us to reap what we have sowed.   


  1. What can we shoot into the sky to make sure that ol' jet-stream stays north of the UK during all of summer 2013? When these so called 'climatologists' can tell me the answer to that, then I'll be well impressed. And I'll do whatever it takes...

  2. A human sacrifice is the only thing we haven't tried, let's tie some royals to a stake and leave them there till June and see what happens.
