FOAB Information

Monday 7 January 2013

Let Me Eat Cake

When told that the French populace had no bread to eat, Marie-Antoinette was quoted as saying 'Let them eat cake' and looking at the
picture of Gerard Depardieu in Russia, he did and then started on the pies, burgers and cheesecake.
There are three very funny things about this picture of Depardieu holding up his Russian passport after fleeing France to avoid the
75% rate of tax imposed by François Hollande on millionaires.  
Firstly, what is he wearing and secondly the 75% tax rate isn't happening, France's top judge threw it out as unconstitutional so
it was all for nothing.
He swapped the land of wine and cordon bleu cuisine for vodka and potatoes.
The IMDb website shows his lifetime earnings from movies as almost €30m and if you ever wondered, what he spent his hard earned wages on, here it is, McDonalds.
Holding up his passport he said: 'I'm a selfish, greedy, disgusting pig of a man who will flee my homeland in its time of need to avoid paying back to the society that has made my life exceptionally comfortable.'
Actually what he said was 'I am very happy, it's very beautiful here, beautiful and soulful people live here' but he had a mouthful of food and was wearing a tablecloth so it wasn't easy to make out.


  1. From what I hear about Depardieu, he sounds like a good match with modern Russia. I hope they're very happy together!

  2. I just he finds the toilets okay on Aroflot.
