FOAB Information

Sunday 24 March 2013

Greens Blamed For Detroit

I don't much about Detroit apart from that was were the Spinners came from and it made cars and that bit of information was gleaned from Top Gear quite recently but it was on the news today because it is on the verge of bankruptcy, being more than $14bn (£9.3bn) in debt. 
Unemployment is twice the national average and a quarter of a million people have left the city in the last ten years, halving its population and those left face living in a city with the highest crime rate in the US.
Exaclt how Detroit got into such a bad way wasn't really explained but the loss of the motor industry seemed to be blamed for most of it and the reason the motor industry went down the pan was because of the green lobby.
Apparently, according to the mop headed lunatic they had in the TV studio, the greens and the onslaught of green  propaganda that the big petrol guzzling cars like the Cadillacs, Chevy's and Lincolns were destroying the ozone layer led to Americans importing European compact cars which were kinder to the environment and dealt the death knell to the American auto industry and the death of Detroit.
I don't know anything about cars but i would guess that the reason the automotive reason sank in America was because the price of the big cars was too much for the car buying owners pockets and the bosses of the car firms were looking at the balance sheet too much to drop the price which is why the potential customers looked to Europe for the smaller, more economical car and what was coming out the exhaust pipe was way their list of priorities and if anyone is to blame it is the bosses selling their cars for too much.
Only a guess though.

1 comment:

  1. the city has declined for a lot of reasons:
    - the weather sucks and people left for better weather
    - the auto makers went to other states because the auto workers union was overbearing
    - environmentalism forced change and detroit didn't to what it had to do to keep companies in detroit
    - the factories were old and worn but the costs to build new elsewhere were cheaper
    - robots replaced workers and detroit had a large number of unemployed people that would not retool themselves
    - crime was out of hand

    there are probably more reasons

