FOAB Information

Saturday 23 March 2013

Global Bank Account

Whenever something breaks, my friends calls it an opportunity to buy a new one so when her television went out with a bang last weekend, she didn't see it as an expensive item to replace, she saw it as a chance to get a nice, new modern television.
Great perspective i agree (she is one of those annoyingly cheerful people who sing in the morning while the rest of us just sit comatosed until the strong coffee kicks in) and not something i can go along with, if something breaks i just see the daunting opportunity to spend hours trudging around countless shops having to deal with pushy salespeople to try and replace it.
Taking a leaf from my friends book, looking around the globe, there does seem an opportunity to implement something new because things have become very broken indeed.
Things seem to have become very skewered, obesity deaths on one side while on the other a child dies of hunger every five seconds somewhere in the world, the Worlds top 100 richest people earning enough money in one year to end world poverty four times over while 22,000 children die each day due to that same poverty.
According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the money that the world designates to military spending for eleven days would feed and heal all the sick and starving children on the planet.
Something had gone horribly wrong somewhere because we obviously have enough for all to go around, it just isn't going around, resulting in extreme inequality.
Communism didn't work, they had to build a 50ft high wall and line it with armed guards to implement it and Capitalism isn't working because all around the World the citizens are rioting and protesting against it.
Although well meaning, aid programs have handed over tens of billions but poverty is growing worse and people still die in their droves from treatable diseases and lack of food so that isn't working.
I don't know how we can achieve it but what is called for is an unconditional redistribution of everything from money to natural resources and a regular redistribution to keep things on an even keel so we don't end up in this situation again.
Not sure how we can achieve it, a non-profit World Bank Account that each country pays a percentage of its GDP into accordingly and is given, not loaned with conditions, would be my suggestion but we have to do something because what we have is horribly broken and the fact that we spend more on ways to kill each other than we do on keeping each other alive should shame us.


  1. Lucy,

    i appreciate your sentiment. You are a nice person.

    i think it is called communism even though you want some other label, especially since, as you rightfully noted, communism sucks except when used by small, isolated tribes with access to unlimited resources.

    Over and over you try to deny or maybe defy human nature. i’m good with that. Idealism is ok, except when you FORCE me to sacrifice.

    Why would i be so mean? i’m mean because they only care about themselves.

    It plays out like this:
    - they just want some help to get started or overcome bad luck (never their error)
    - they begin thinking it is a right that they have what they want
    - they think i have too much
    - they think i owe them because i had unfair advantage
    - they want more and only everything is enough
    - they believe that what i have should be theirs
    - they run out of my money
    - they destroy the ability for anybody to have enough
    - they have now created equality of wealth, yea we are all poor

    It is Greece and Cyprus in a nutshell.

    They care about them, i care about me. It works out until someone (not naming any names Lucy and the democratic party) uses the government to force me to transfer my assets to them.

    Then i don’t like it.


  2. You should have stopped after the first sentence.
    Sharing what we have is not Communism. Is it Communism when you give a dollar to the down and out or donate old clothes to the Oxfam shop?
    That's just kindness, you Americans have to get over this evil Communism fixation you have left over from the Cold War.

  3. no Lucy, what you described is charity. And I don't care what you call it, the name isn't evil.

    The evil part is where I work, somebody takes the result, then they give back my share... presumably my share is based on what I need, what others need, and what is in inventory. in other words, i might make enough to feed 10 people, then end up being hungry. That is freakin evil.


  4. lucy,

    i don't give a rats ass about the cold war.

    all i have to do is look at nations that use communism today and i back away before any of it gets on my shoes... bad mojo.


  5. Lucy, if more people saw kindness and compassion as a solution, things might change.

    But they don't and that is a terrible and tragic thing.

  6. So i describe charity and you shout Communism. When does giving to the needy cross from Charity and become Communism? And where did Cummunism come into it at all? I was talking about the horrible inequality in the World and how we need to equal things up you went straight to a rant about Communism and forcing you to cough up. I never, i suggested a global bank account so nothing is being taken from you. Think the IMF without the evil part.

    Agree 100% Annie, until we stop being selfish and putting ourselves first all the time, nothing is going to change.

  7. geez lucy,

    well, you mentioned communism >
    "communism didn't work, they had to build a 50ft high wall and line it with armed guards to implement it..."

    then you did everything but name it here >
    "…what is called for is an >> unconditional redistribution << of everything from money to natural resources..."

    I don't want the things that I work for to be subjugated to "unconditional redistribution". My local, state, and federal governments already take 35% annually. That’s enough. Hell, it is way too much!

    what happened to my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. you are sounding like the King of England except you propose to distribute it "fairly"... uh huh… sure.


    PS - don't get me wrong, i'm all for you and the rest of the UK giving 100% for redistribution!

  8. I see, so you took it as me meaning Communism didn't work so lets give Communism a go.

    You pay 35% of your pay in tax, then the Government does what it wants with it. Once they have all your 35%'s they can hand a fraction of that to my world global bank account. Nothing is being taken from you, no Communism involved or forcing you to hand over anything.

  9. and you think my government is gonna let the money go to feed north koreans or iranis.

    and you think the money given by the rich middle east monarchys will be allowed to feed hungry jews. i dont think the shia would feed the sunni and i dont think either would feed the kurds... much less the jews

    and the chinese money will feed taiwanese.

    i think once again you ignore human nature...


  10. US aid to North Korea since 1998 $1.3 bn so yes, your Government would. Countries give to aid agencies and don't say who can and who cant have it.

    You seem to have a very pessimistic view of human nature.

  11. i consider it realistic. also supported by history...

    the korean aid was part of a deal to deter nk developing nukes. that worked well.


  12. David

    Im tired of interacting with you. Can’t you just rant about all the things you hate and leave me alone? I won’t address you anymore if you don’t address me. And using other names like dennis, daniel , debbie, donna, and douche doesn’t fool anybody. Neither does going anon. your messages give you away every time. Just spew your hatred at the world and others. Else I have to come down to your level again.

    Deal? Can you make a deal? Can you keep a deal?

