FOAB Information

Saturday 23 March 2013

Trust The Brits To Make It Worse

I never understand why other countries pay a blind bit of notice to Britain sometimes, we could quite easily be told to bugger off and mind our own business when we stick our nose in but for whatever reason people tend to pay attention to us.
So when the UK economy has bypassed the length of recession than even the 1930's and our Banking sector is being fined billions for corruption and misselling, we send our banking 'experts' to advise Cyprus on how to reform its banking system. 
Seems a bit like appointing Henry VIII as a marriage guidance counsellor but rather than the Cypriot banks pointing out that Britain is the last place they should be taking advice from when it comes to banking, they are thanking us for our 'technical assistance'. The mugs.
Judging by the job they have done here i expect the advice will consist of miselling banking products, fix the LIBOR rates, charge the customers an extortionate amount just for sending them a letter andcontinually try and push credit cards upon them, that should sort it out.
We seem to already be having an effect as the idea of taking 10% of the bank accounts over 100,000 euros
has been scrapped. Now the figure is a 25% levy.
That's how you can tell when the British bankers are involved, it takes a bad situation and makes it a whole lot worse.


  1. Like the people of Sodor, they don't have to take the Brit help. Just start doing everything themselves...


  2. If they had any sense they would have looked at our banks, said a polite thanks but no thanks and put them back on the plane. Obviously not very bright. I did hear that they are mulling over an offer from representatives of Saudi Arabia regarding Cypriot women rights.

  3. Uh, the northern third of Cyprus alread uses that model...

