FOAB Information

Sunday 31 March 2013

Making Money For The Meatloaf CD

It is nice to see the Meatloaf album, Bat out of Hell, is being sold again because it must have been 3 or 4 years since it was last re-released. To be fair this one does come with a 3D cover and no self-respecting Meatloaf fan would want to be seen without a 3D cover and it is being pushed as a 'collectors edition' so they have tagged on a special live recording of Meat singing 'Bat Out Of Hell' just to make if different to every other edition the collectors already have.
It does make me wonder just how low wattage some people are working on that they will keep paying out for the same thing over and over again, probably the same people who turn up to this, being paid for taking potentially lethal medicines.
Just how broke must you be to agree to take untested pills and medicines to, as the website states: 'test in order to determine whether it is safe and effective enough to be used by humans'.
If the 'safe and effective enough to be used by humans' bit isn't enough to penetrate a brain dulled by years of listening to 'Two out of three ain’t bad' then it probably won't notice the rest of the waiver either that warns: 'there is always a possibility that the outcome will differ to that which was expected' and 'the effects of a research study drug on an individual is not always easily predicted' which is why they require you to sign an informed consent form, so you can't sue them if your eyeballs explode.  
While it is true that the £120 per trial you receive would buy a lot of Meatloaf CD's, they don't just take any fan of 70's operatic/metal, at the moment they are looking for Japanese males aged between 25 and 40 and breastfeeding mums aged between 18 and 40. I did check but middle aged former headbangers who know the words to 'Paradise by the dashboard light' need not apply.
I just hope that when Meatloaf cashes that royalty cheque he thinks of all people taking a potentially lethal cocktail of drugs, dragging themselves from their clinical trial clutching his CD (with the 3D cover) and collapsing down at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun, torn and twisted at the foot of a burning' hell, think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell, and the last thing they see is their heart, still beating, breaking out of their bodies and flying away. Probably.

1 comment:

  1. As a meatloaf fan I must protest the theme through this post that we are the sort of people that take part in clinical trials. That is more of a grateful dead fan thing.
